Xi’an Global Programmers’ Day: Jin Li, the Chief Digital Officer of Ultrain, was Invited to Give a Speech

Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2019

On October 24th, the 3rd Global Programmers’ Day was held in Xi’an. With the theme of “Digital Connected Code for the Future”, the event will bring together the world’s top software companies, research institutions and venture capital institutions to create a multi-level communication platform for global software IT talents and promote the “digital silk road” channel on the cloud. Build and bring together talents in the industry to empower the digital economy. Hundreds of government leaders, Nobel laureates, Turing Award winners, corporate executives, ambassadors to China and counsellors focused on innovative development, international cooperation and other topics from different perspectives and different dimensions to explore the third global program. The festival has become a global event.

Jin Li, the chief digital officer of Ultrain, was invited to participate in the Global Financial Technology Summit of the “Smart China Power” campaign of the Global Programmers’ Day series, and the theme was respectively held with Gu Yong, Vice President of Debon Securities, and Chief Information Officer of the Bank of China. Speech.

The summit invited domestic and foreign academicians, well-known entrepreneurs, and the central bank, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Yinbao Supervisor, and the relevant person in charge of the Shanghai Shenzhen Stock Exchange to gather in Xi’an to share and exchange on the application and prospects of financial technology. Further enhance Xi’an’s international influence and popularity, and strengthen financial technology exchanges and cooperation with countries along the “the Belt and Road”.

In his speech, Li Jin explained the cross-AI of AI, computing, blockchain, IoT, financial risk control, etc., and used Ultrain as an example to elaborate on the blockchain technology. He introduced that Ultrain provides computational support for blockchain business models by integrating idle computing resources and providing an independent computing model based on blockchain technology, the “trust computing” service.

He said that Ultrain broke through the impossible triangle of the blockchain, created a high-performance public chain, built a solid technical foundation through a number of world-leading technological innovations, and is the only integrated global zero-knowledge proof privacy protection program. Blockchain 3.0 public chain, with the world’s original implementation of random dynamic fragmentation technology, two-layer random number generation architecture R-PoS consensus, is now the world’s blockchain 3.0 public chain of the highest performance, the only external business The public chain of services. So far, Ultrain has cooperated with many well-known enterprises such as Yoho!, Hongri New Energy, and the first A-share main board listed game company, which will solve the existing enterprise application blockchain. The core pain point to achieve support for large-scale commercial applications.

During the event, Li Jin’s speech was warmly received by the guests present. Subsequently, a ceremony for the appointment of the center consultant was held. Li Jin was appointed as the chief digital officer of Ultrain, the former Alibaba/Ant Jinfu core executives, and the former US Microsoft headquarters in Seattle, and was officially employed as a cross-core hospital financial technology. And chief consultant of the Center for Regulatory Technology Research.

Today, with the rapid development of modern society, we hope that more and more people can understand and recognize emerging technologies, and expect Ultrain to spark more industries and provide decentralized commercial infrastructure for the society.

