Mhairi McAlpine
UMA Project
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2021

Week ending 7th May

UNI v3 Launches — what does this mean for UMA?
The latest uLabs thinkpiece explores what the launch of UNI v3, with its concentrated liquidity and new fee structure is means for UMA. Highlighting its improved capital efficency Kevin Chan explores some of the implications including a move away from TVL as a critical metric of the health of a protocol; liquidity mining redesigned to reflect risk rather than simply volume; improved impermanent loss protection for call option liquidity providers and enhanced vault strategies allowing for more efficient mechanisms for liquidity provision in UMA’s products.

UMA Call Options developments
The first call option built on UMA, expired at the end of April. New options are now available for UMA, Uniswap, Balancer and xSushi which can be minted through my MySynths. These new call options expire on May 31st. Balancer will now add additional liquidity as per their recent snapshot vote proposal which met with 97.8% approval. For a deep dive into how the UMA call option for April performed in the wild, check out Kevin Chan’s explainer.

Templates available for UMA Improvement Proposals (UMIPs)
The level of development on UMA is increasing substantially. We are now seeing double digit UMIP submissions to add new collateral types, price identifiers or expand our product capacities on a regular basis. To help product designers wishing to build on UMA, new pre-formatted templates are now available through our discourse forum, with an aim to make UMA even more accessible to anyone who wants to develop a new priceless synthetic product.

SuperUMAns Update
Our SuperUMAns go from strength to strength, this week approaching Index Co-Op who are now exploring which metrics are most important to them, BasketDAO who have already had some thoughts about how they can use KPI Options to grow their community, as well as joining in the SushiSwap community call to explore how KPI Options may encourage Kashi adoption.

And finally…Blockzero Labs Droptions.
In conjunction with BlockZero Labs, UMA has been running an accelerator, to develop community sourced content about our products and gather ideas for new synths. A Yield Dollar collateralised by XIO is also in development. Ever innovative, XIO is exploring a new approach to KPI Options call Droptions. Still in incubation, droptions seek to incentivise community growth and awareness through options which grow as they become more distributed. One to watch out for!

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Talent Acquisition Specialist:
Growing our talented team
Senior Software Engineer:
An engineer to work on our entire Ethereum-based web 3 stack
Smart Contract Engineer:
An engineer who’s expert in solidity and smart contracts
Launch Engineer:
An engineer to take products from ideation to mainnet

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