UMA on stage at ETHDenver | Key themes focus on rewards as a service, optimism in oracles, and P2E as a poverty reducer

Evan Duggan
UMA Project
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2022

Tl;dr: Members of UMA joined ETHDenver last month, sharing insights focused on rewards as a service; optimism in oracles, and P2E as a poverty reducer.

About a month ago, the global team from UMA coalesced at a church-turned-Airbnb in a residential neighborhood on the edge of downtown to set up shop for the duration of ETHDenver.

Over nine days in February, Denver welcomed more than 12,000 people to the in-person event to share ideas, build and reveal new protocols, curate investments and socialize.

A few members of UMA graced various stages at the bizarro world Sports Castle — the epicenter of the conference. Here, they shared some bright ideas and recent happenings from the UMAverse, with particular focus on rewards as a service; optimism in oracles, and P2E as a poverty reducer.

Hart Lambur on rewards as a service

Hart Lambur, the co-founder of UMA, shared a presentation focused on how all of crypto is, in essence, a giant incentive structure, and why innovative rewards and incentive structures will lead to rapid adoption, development and stability in web3.

Hart also dived into the details of the optimistic oracle.

Chandler De Kock on why web3 needs more oracles

Chandler De Lock, Growth Strategist at UMA, shared insights on the role that oracles play in DeFi and why there is a pressing need for more oracles that are flexible, malleable and tailored to reduce inefficiencies and unlock paths to more innovative protocols and effective governance systems.

The future of oracles is to find better ways to bring long tail data on-chain.

Clayton Roche and Eric Anderson on P2E and poverty reduction

Clayton Roche, community lead at UMA, and Eric Anderson, a DAO activist and member of the SuperUMAns, delivered a talk focused on how Play-to-Earn games can provide a conduit to millions of unbanked people around the world to get a foot in the door of DeFi and basic financial agency.

Elements of their presentation were also included in their recent op-ed in BeInCrypto.



Evan Duggan
UMA Project

A former news and business journalist, Evan is the PR & Communications Lead at UMA and Outcome.Finance.