NFT Art Trends — Art Style, Art Concept, and The Biggest Trending You Should Know

Umbala Wolves
Umbala Metaverse
Published in
4 min readApr 8, 2022

With the rise of belief in NFT Arts values, the NFTs marketplace has attracted thousands of artists and swiftly increased its market value, for instance, solely in March 2021, 509,000 NFT artworks were sold to generate $85 million — a huge amount of money. It’s the diverse market of arts and artists that creates and fosters a wide-range variety of trending art styles, below are the biggest art trends in the NFTs market!

Trending Art Styles in the NFTs market

1. Futuristic Style

Futuristic style in art usually captures the dynamic moment of the future life with the electrifying, bold color scheme, strong chromaticism delivering the urgency and motions. Some NFT arts illustrated in the Futuristic style could be like the pictures below:

Universal Poetry — PAK

2. 3D Style

3D style is also the most dominating practice got applied in the gaming industry. Three Dimensionality (3D) will offer art products that can be seen on all sides and angles with the measurement in height, width, and depth, similarly to our real-life objects being seen. Some NFT Art projects should be known as:

Lazy Crypto Cats — An NFT-powered community
Internet Made — Bringing fashion to digital world

Usually, 3D would be combined with realism human-like, and animated art style:

Ruby9110m by Digital Creative in H.M

3. Anime/Manga (typical Japanese anime) Style

Another dominating art style in human history ever is Anime (Japanese-favored) style. It has a strong stance in the art industry for not only art value but also Anime-Japanese culture having a worldwide impact. Usually, the Anime style will be presented in 2D style.

Some famous NFT art projects following the Anime style are:

Azuki NFTs collection
GENE_SIS — Gharleiera
Remember the color of yourself — NaokiSaito

4. Pixelated Style

All digital artworks are formed from pixels (a tiny square spot), the more pixels we have the clearer we can see. However, the pixelated art style is when only a limited number of pixels are used on purpose to make the artwork quite tough and blocky. Some famous trending pixelated NFT arts are:

Abracadabra Money
CryptoPunks Project

5. Mini-art Style

Last but not least, the common favorite style for many people is Mini-art. Mini-art style brings up the feelings of “small”, of course! The mini-art characters shall look tiny, cute, and simple. Some famous Mini-art NFT projects you should know:

Styllar™ NFT’s
Axie Infinity

Biggest trending — Futuristic Zodiac

Living in an uncertain world exerts the human’s demand to actually know themselves and prophecy their future, hence, Zodiac has never slumped as a trend. Zodiac has been the most fruitful source of art concepts for all artists for its not only diverse possible outlook but also the meanings carried within each sign itself.

When arts ascend from traditional to digital arts, the art styles have also witnessed the trend from 2D to 3D futuristic style as more dimensions to take care of means more complex techniques needed.

Rooting from these two reasons, Futuristic Zodiac would be the next biggest trend in the NFTs market, where Crypto Communities are seeking novel projects with high-valued artistry and money.

Zodiac NFTs collection’s value prediction

Recently, the Crypto Communities are mentioning the UMBΛLΛ NFTs the most for their integration of the biggest trend: Zodiac concept, Futuristic style with the mechanical future of engine look, and Social-Fi Metaverse. Adopting one NFT in that collection equals a passport to the Zodiac Universe with various socializing and earning money activities.

The collection was published by UMBΛLΛ MΞTΛVΞRSΞ — a Social-Fi & NFT open Metaverse where developers and artists are empowered to invent their own digital spaces and foster the social earning power via X2E and DAO2DAO models. Currently, Crypto Guru & Communities are expecting the launching of this collection which clearly shows the huge monetary potential of this NFTs collection.

What about you? Have you got any trending NFTs yet?

Take a Slot & Lost in Space!

