Cloud Expo EU, the biggest cloud event celebrated in the continent

Marta Buyolo
Umbler News
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018

Big Data, Cloud Security, Internet of Things and Data Center World. Probably you have already heard these topics, and perhaps, you are used to them. Technology and digitalisation are rapidly changing all that surround us, so there are new trends continuously popping up that keep surprising us. They were all extensively discussed at the Cloud Expo Europe celebrated last week on the 22nd and 23rd of March, in London. This event was a great opportunity to better understand the latest and most relevant technologies and infrastructures that are going to make a difference in the cloud-driven thinking during the next months.

Supported by cloud giants like Salesforce, SAP, Oracle and OVH, among others, the 2-day event focused on technology and cloud services welcomed over 20,000 visitors from the entire IT ecosystem. The event had over 600 experts and inspirational speakers coming from companies like Facebook, Google, IBM or Telefónica, to name a few. It was time to meet more than 500 exhibitors who showed the curious attendees projects that they were working on. Besides the cloud, robotics and security were other topics that were highlighted during the Cloud Expo. Unfortunately, we couldn’t be there, but we’ve put together some of the things that better illustrate where we are going in terms of innovation and technology. Here are some of the most relevant presentations:

  • One of the most surprising things that we could witness in the event was the most revolutionary kitchen completely robotised by Moley Robotic. A robot with human hands that cooks your recipes of choice for you.
  • Microsoft presented their Mixed Reality headsets to immerse oneself in an incredible experience of authentic reality, especially thought for the gaming industry, but an innovation that also lets you travel around the world from your living room.
  • Meet Ara, the modular phone developed by Google. It has six flexible slots that are easily managed. However the date of release for this smartphone is still unknown. So, we have to keep waiting for it.

The Cloud Expo was, doubtlessly, one of the best chances to network and stay updated with the new cutting edge cloud technologies. You can review the two-day event under the following link, where you will find more than 6 hours of content through experts’ interviews, presentations, comments, etc. Check it out!

Events like the one exposed here are a consequence of the growing European digital economy which forces businesses at all levels to immerse into the digital transformation.

The European digital economy

There is not a better scenario for expos like the Cloud Expo that a place where technology and digitalisation is transforming the society in all senses. Beyond organisations, innovation has arrived to public sectors and institutions, influencing and changing them enormously. Therefore, Europe has turned one of the largest and fastest growing digital economies in the world. Here, the Cloud Computing plays an important role within digitalisation through projects, strategies and initiatives coming from both public and private sectors. The European Commission, for instance, has developed a strategy to unleash the potential of the cloud computing among countries. This will contribute to the creation of million of new jobs, influencing the GDP.

In such an environment, the startup scenario has been flourishing unstoppable in the past few years. The majority of organisations have moved to digitalisation — a reality that already impacts around the 80% of enterprises in the EU. In response to it, the European Commission is taking the goal of immersing the states’ members into the digital era driven by the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Robotics and Data Analytics quite seriously. All those aspects were important subjects included and discussed in the Cloud Expo Europe through experts coming from the most relevant tech companies.

In order to enhance this transformation within the society, science and R&D, the public sector and private organisations, the Commission has invested €6.7 billion for its strategy called the European Cloud Initiative. The aim of the project is to exploit the benefits of big data within across markets and borders, developing a high performance computing ecosystem. Strengthening Europe’s position in data-driven innovation will improve its competitiveness within a Digital Single Market across all states members. The forecast announces a growth of 44.8 billion by 2020, opening digital opportunities for people and businesses that will enhance Europe’s position as a world leader in the digital economy.

In conclusion, the Cloud Computing is a reality that shows how digitalisation is transforming not only businesses at all levels, but also people’s lives. Robotised kitchens, big data, reality headsets, or smarter phones, are some of the examples that illustrate where are we going to. Cloud technology is a new reality that also changes and advances constantly, therefore the importance of keeping updated. That is the reason why the topic has driven many events related to it not only in Europe but also across the globe. Google Cloud Next ’18 in San Francisco, Data Works Summit in Berlin, or the Dockercon 18 are some of those. Even the Cloud Expo Europe will be celebrated once again and hosted in Frankfurt (Germany) at the beginning of November with the same dynamic and proposals. This time, around 6000 IT professionals are expected to talk about security and big data in one of the largest technology markets in Europe with an annual and unstoppable growth of 32%. If you can’t attend, don’t worry! We will report you the most relevant announcements.



Marta Buyolo
Umbler News

I am a passionate traveller, an avid reader, and enthusiast marketer, who believes in a responsible and ethical way of doing business as a catalyser for success