Product Development Highlight: Umbrella’s Collection of Data Pairs

Umbrella Network Team
Umbrella Network
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2021

Umbrella Network’s Unparalleled Data Pairs

If you want to talk about lists of data pairs supported by an oracle, ours is bigger.

Umbrella Network is intently focused on becoming the best oracle solution in the ecosystem, so we have invested in supporting a wide variety of data pairs that bridge the worlds of crypto, fiat, commodities and others. From Polkadot to the British Pound to the price of Brent Crude, we support over 750 different data pairs to users around the world as they develop high-level blockchain projects. We are also supporting index data, equities, volatility data for options pricing, and other more sophisticated alternative asset data.

As our public testnet launch is fast approaching on 15th March, we wanted to make sure we are rolling out with 750 supported data pairs —the largest selection of data pairs available in the market today. And we are just getting started. Major oracle providers like Chainlink and Band Protocol only support a fraction of our total data pairs, just around 95 and 200 respectively. Additionally, because of our lower data cost advantage, we are making 84 of the most commonly used data pairs available for free for our users.

We’re excited to see how major players respond to an oracle provider with a large and diversified list of supported data pairs. Until then, our users can develop applications that fetch trustworthy prices for all order of assets and transact value on the blockchain.

We can talk about the other quality indicators of an oracle service another time, like security, scalability, and data integrity (and have certainly done so in the past). But we wanted to focus this time on the market leading variety and number of data pairs available. And this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more announcements in this area as we continue to roll out additional data pairs, included more mid and long tail crypto pairs, and other data including more sophisticated metrics for supporting complex options and derivatives trading.



Umbrella Network Team
Umbrella Network

Decentralized oracle and data layer offering scalable, customizable and high frequency data on chain.