Umbrella Network Announces Partnership with REV3AL

Umbrella writer
Umbrella Network
Published in
4 min readApr 27, 2022

Umbrella Network is pleased to announce a partnership with REV3AL — an NFT Authentication and Digital Asset Verification company. This partnership will explore opportunities in data related to nfts and verification in a simplified and intuitive manner.


  • Umbrella Network announced a partnership with REV3AL — a Digital Copyright Protection & Anti-Counterfeit Technology for artists, creators, and owners of Intellectual Property across the digital spectrum and into the physical world
  • Umbrella Network will be REV3AL’s exclusive oracle partner
  • REV3AL plans to launch a global decentralized database of NFTs and other such digital assets whose ownership can be verified and tracked easily with the power of immutability of the blockchain

NFTs and digital assets are booming, but the protections and support systems for them are still quite nascent today. There are plenty of memes around that deride NFT ownership by saying that all it takes is a ‘Right Click — Save’ to duplicate the IP (Intellectual Property). But the issue is more complex than this, and luckily developers are building creative, effective solutions to certify authenticity.

Just as we consider it (largely) abhorrent to pirate movies, music, and software of the companies (and by people) we like, NFT ownership, a relatively new Blockchain-based IP, should be treated in the same manner.

While some avenues exist today to protect intellectual property in the software and digital assets industries like movies and music, NFTs and blockchain-based digital arts have yet to find their footing when it comes to comparable IP protection.

It is for the accomplishment of this feat that REV3AL is building the infrastructure layer and the UI to enable digital artists and such creators to have access to a set of tools designed to specifically protect their creations (NFTs) from counterfeiting, piracy, and other forms of intellectual property theft.

For example, REV3AL has a unique ‘pinch to reveal’ technology that enables physical interaction with the asset (like NFTs). Verification of the authenticity happens via the REV3AL API that exists as a standalone layer (which gets destroyed if someone modifies the asset) appended to the NFT asset and is easily verifiable across NFT and social media platforms.

To help solve the problem of on-chain data insufficiency, REV3AL has partnered up with Umbrella Network (that’s us!) to serve as the exclusive oracle partner. As a decentralized oracle available across 6 different blockchain networks (Ethereum, Polygon, BNB Chain, Avalanche. Optimism, and Solana), Umbrella Network makes available 3000+ data pairs available directly into smart contracts.

What this means for REV3AL is that their global decentralized database of NFT ownership, last sold price, collection floor price, and more do not have to be dependent on centralized sources — and hence be protected from MITM attacks.

Umbrella Network is particularly excited about this partnership as:

  • REV3AL is developing the technology and the tools to offer similar protections to NFTs that software and other non-blockchain art already boast of (artists win!)
  • NFT Owners get access to the tools to verify the chain of ownership, price, and other parameters in a tamper-proof manner (buyers/sellers win!)
  • The industry as a whole wins too with the development of decentralized tools that protect the intellectual property rights of creators and owners.

On the occasion of the partnership, John Chen, President of Umbrella Network said, “We’re really excited to be working together with REV3AL to help build the mechanism for crypto-projects to offer digital protection of IP against counterfeiting and other such thefts. We welcome innovation in the space and appreciate the fact that up and coming projects are increasingly reaching out to us for their data needs.”

Mo Kumarsi, Co-Founder and CGO at REV3AL said, “Tackling the issue of fraud and counterfeit in the NFT and digital asset market is a huge undertaking that requires sophisticated, multi-factor encryption technology and a significant set of data. REV3AL’s partnership with Umbrella takes us one step closer to becoming the industry leader in anti-counterfeit and IP protection by enabling access to on-chain and off-chain data to authenticate digital assets like NFTs. We are excited to unlock more use cases that will further promote the growth of our ecosystems.”

About REV3AL

Rev3al technology provides a solution to prevent counterfeiters from stealing your digital assets and beyond. It results from a decade of research into the latest digital forensic techniques and has been explicitly designed to combat the theft of intellectual property by counterfeiters — with a focus on protecting artists and creators.

About Umbrella Network

Umbrella Network is a scalable, decentralized, and community-owned oracle that utilizes Layer 2 technology to integrate real-time data into smart contracts for accurate and timely reports. Umbrella Network brings the world’s data to blockchains to enable DeFi applications to perform at the optimum level regarding precise information dissemination.

It believes a decentralized oracle is paramount to creating a truly decentralized financial space.

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