Umbrella Network Announces Uniform Random Number Generator

Available immediately on all of our supported Layer 1 chains, Umbrella’s uRNG will be generating random numbers as a Layer 2 Data feed

Umbrella Marketing Team
Umbrella Network
5 min readDec 13, 2021


Umbrella Network is pleased to announce the launch of our Uniform Random Number Generator or uRNG. Available immediately on all of our supported Layer 1 chains, Umbrella’s uRNG will be generating random numbers as a Layer 2 Data feed that can be used by decentralized applications directly from within smart contracts.

From simple decentralized apps to AAA RPG games, most applications need some form of randomness, and Umbrella Network’s Uniform Random Number Generator will now be able to provide this functionality — with proof of randomness on the Blockchain!


  • Random Numbers (aka RANDs) are used in many different app mechanics to generate a random result. From calculating damage in gaming RPGs to dice rolls, RANDs are used in several scientific, artistic, and mathematical computations that power DeFi apps, NFT mints, and several non-crypto applications
  • Umbrella Network’s uRNG generates RANDs as layer 2 data for faster retrieval, higher throughput, and a smoother user experience
  • RANDs on Umbrella Network uRNG can be directly integrated into dApp smart contracts across the BSC, ETH, Polygon, and Avalanche Blockchain mainnets
  • While the BSC and Polygon RANDs are generated every minute, on the ETH and Avalanche Blockchains, they are generated every hour
  • A key feature of Umbrella Network’s uRNG is that the randomness of the RAND and the authenticity of the generated value can be verified on-chain throughout the lifecycle of that RAND — creating a mechanism to quickly catch off-chain modification of data

Why do we need uRNG?

Imagine you’re playing a game of blackjack online. The deck of cards in front of you is actually a piece of code and the card drawn next is actually determined by a Random Number Generator. And in gaming titles, especially in side-scrolling games, the obstacles are mostly generated via a Random Number Generator.

Whereas in lootbox mechanics, when a player opens a card pack, the drops are determined via a Random Number Generator too!

Random Numbers are not just used in casinos and games but are an essential part of blockchain tech. In fact, even the Bitcoin blockchain uses a random number generator to create a nonce that is essential to make mining fair and make it truly Proof of Work! Computer-generated NFTs also rely heavily on random numbers to generate different types of attributes like backgrounds, expressions, accessories, and clothing.

As you can see, random numbers are not just used in gaming, but also in the world of science, maths (statistical sampling), art, and more.

Random number generators for smart contracts produce fair and unbiased randomness for dApps. All random number results are verifiable before becoming available to smart contracts. Oracles are unable to manipulate the generated result, the only thing they can do is not respond.

Random Numbers (RANDs) are also good because you don’t determine the random number that we’re getting. It also helps to avoid people cheating the system or directing smart contract behavior to obtain particular benefits.

Why Did the Umbrella Network Build uRNG…

So why did Umbrella Network feel the need to build a uRNG if it is so important and there are several alternatives that already exist?

99.99% of the RNGs that exist today are based on the ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ premise. If you think that your loot-drops in your favorite Call of Duty games have started deteriorating ever since your character leveled up? Tough Luck! You cannot prove anything. Maybe post some complaints about it on Reddit but that’s about it.

You’re playing an online casino game and feel that the game is designed to make you lose by deliberately giving you bad cards, tough luck! Try lurking the forums to find out the legit poker rooms that do not cheat but that’s about it. You cannot prove that the game cheats!

Enter decentralization and Umbrella Network’s uRNG

Now, if you’re on a decentralized app that sources its RANDs from our uRNG, verifying the randomness and the authenticity of the data is as easy as clicking in the ‘Read Smart Contract’ on the Contract Address of the dApp on the Block Explorer. Okay, maybe it’s a few more steps than that, but the important fact is that it is most definitely verifiable.

For example, if a RAND sent by Umbrella Network’s uRNG for a dice roll says 6 and the dApp change it to a 2, it can be seen by all on Umbrella’s Block Explorer and can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the correct value was 6 and that the dApp is malicious and should be avoided.

That, in a nutshell, is why Umbrella Network built uRNG.

uRNG shall be available across all the blockchain mainnets supported by Umbrella Network (namely BSC, ETH, Polygon, and Avalanche, as of writing in December 2021). This shall enable dApp innovations to continue unabated — without the shackles of being limited in functionality due to the unavailability of tools.

How can dApps Get uRNG from Umbrella Network?

To get started, you simply need to fill out this form with your requirements and specifications.

We’ll ensure you start getting RANDs asap!

Future Development of the Umbrella Network RNG

The Uniform RNG is just the beginning.

We’re working on enhancing the scope of the RNG so that in future versions, the dApps would be able to request not just uniform RANDs, but also weighted RANDs, variable RANDs, skewed RANDs, and much more!

About Umbrella Network

Umbrella Network is a scalable, cost-efficient, and community-owned oracle for the DeFi and blockchain community. Its Layer 2 technology uses the latest advances in Merkle tree technology to write multiple data points on a single on-chain transaction, so it allows for batching data to smart contracts accurately, securely, and cost-effectively.

Umbrella Network believes a community-owned oracle is not only possible but essential to creating a truly decentralized financial system.

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