Umbrella Network Final IDO + Listing Announcement

John Chen
Umbrella Network
Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2021

This is it! T-Minus 24 hours and counting. To our amazing community, Umbrella Network has experienced exponential growth in the weeks leading up to our TGE launch and IDO Listing. We could not have done it without your support, so thank you. Here are all the details on what to expect over the next 24 hours leading up to our IDO and Listing.

  • Token Contract Address: TBA
  • Listing Price: $0.05
  • Circulating Supply IDO: 5,000,000
  • Max Allocation: $400 USD equivalent in ETH per buyer
  • Total Amount Raised via IDO: $250,000 ($125,000 POLS pool / $125,000 Non-POLS pool)
  • IDO is First Come First Serve (FCFS) until $250k reached
  • All winners on the whitelists, please go to
  • If you need to check again your status, please visit:
  • Please check this google doc for which pool (POLS or non-POLS) you are listed under. There are two sheets, so make sure to check both.
  • For instructions on how to participate at Polkastarter and claim your tokens, please go here.


Please make sure you are following the real Umbrella Network Telegram Channels, Twitter, and website.

Official TG Announcement Channel:

Official TG Community Channel:

Official Twitter:

Official Website:

Umbrella Network will never send you a direct or private message first. No exceptions. All DMs are scams so please be aware.

Umbrella Network will also never email you from our official email addresses, as they can be spoofed or emulated.

None of the team members or representatives of Umbrella Network has “extra tokens” or “private token pools” to sell. You can only get tokens by being whitelisted for the IDO, or after the IDO on Uniswap. Don’t believe anyone who tells you they have a secret whitelist, or extra token allotments. Again, no exceptions.

There may exist fake $UMB tokens on Uniswap. Do not attempt to search for and buy $UMB tokens on your own. Please use the direct link which we will pin on our Twitter and Telegram Announcement Channel. Do not follow links that may be posted on our chat channels by members, as they may be fake.

Umbrella Network will not be releasing the token contract address until right before the Listing. Please be aware that any and all token contract addresses released by anyone else other than our official channels, and right at the time of Listing are scams.

There may be other scams happening, so please be aware and on the lookout. Use your best judgement.

Editor’s Note: There is one officially sanctioned special NFT token sale, which is the Bounce Certified Lottery Sale, an NFT auction, being offered to 1) early members of Umbrella’s Telegram community and 2) Bounce BOT holders -> read more details here.


Please be warned that DEX listings are notoriously volatile, and are often plagued by bot attacks, particularly in the first 15–30 minutes of trading. While Umbrella Network is doing our best to have a smooth and successful launch, there are some things that are beyond our control. Please trade responsibly and at your own risk.


12:00PM Noon UTC — Official Telegram Chat will be muted

2:00PM UTC — Polkastarter Pools will be unlocked. Whitelisted addresses may participate on Polkastarter.

2:00PM-4:00PM UTC — Smart contract address announced. Tokens on Polkastarter unlocked. Uniswap trading begins.

5:00PM UTC — Telegram Chat will be unmuted.


We want to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has gone above and beyond our expectations with your enthusiasm and support. It has been an amazing journey so far, but we know this is just the beginning, as we seek to bring the world’s data on chain.


The Umbrella Network Team

