Umee Records Largest Number of Registrants in Coinlist History and has Sold $32mm Worth of UMEE Tokens to Coinlist Participants

Kenny Najarro
UX Old Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2021


Umee makes waves and this may be one of our biggest yet! We are proud to announce that Umee has recorded the highest number of registrants in the history of Coinlist!


Let’s take a closer look at some of the metrics regarding the token sale:

  • $32 mm of the native UMEE token sold
  • Nearly 1 million registrants (922k registrants)
  • 64,000 new token holders added to the Umee blockchain

These numbers reflect the outpouring of support we’ve received from the community. We couldn’t be more grateful! That said, let’s provide some insight into Umee’s next steps.

What’s Next?

Umee has its eyes set on expansion. As Umee grows, so will the core team. That will include developers, engineers, and other roles needed to continue creating a robust ecosystem.

As far as our community is concerned, we also will focus on increasing efforts on community growth. We want to make Umee as big as every single one of you believes it can be. This will be an ongoing process, but we will make sure that Umee comes across as many eyes as we can. We’re in this together!

Lastly, we have our mainnet launch on the horizon! With a mid-February 2022 shipping timeline, we are getting set to deliver the platform everyone is so eager to use. We will be releasing our beta webapp in the coming days so the broader community can interact and get a feel of how Umee will work. We can’t wait for everyone to begin experiencing Umee! Look out for an announcement soon.

Thank You

We would like to thank everyone for their passion, vision, and excitement when it comes to Umee. As a community-built project, we know we wouldn’t be here without each and every one of you. This record-breaking announcement is simply a testament to how committed each community member is to seeing Umee succeed and reach its full potential.

And if this is your first time coming across Umee, not to worry. We always have room for more! Here’s to making waves today, tomorrow, and as far as the blockchain can see. See you out there!

About Umee

Umee is a cross chain DeFi hub that interconnects between blockchains. As a base layer blockchain, applications and money lego primitives can be built on top of Umee to access cross chain leverage and liquidity. The Umee Blockchain facilitates interoperability between the Cosmos ecosystem, Ethereum network, side chain architectures, layer two scaling solutions, and alternative base layer protocols.

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