After Prince: Will America See Purple Rain Again?

Bilal Ansari
The Center for Global Muslim Life
3 min readMay 30, 2016


Purple Syringa Vulgaris flowers are ‘Sensations’ that come to full bloom between April and May. On April 21, 2016 we lost a purple sensation: Prince Rogers Nelson. Similar to perennial purple lilacs we enjoyed Prince’s flair in the full sun, and bright and showy appearances and; lyrically the fragrance of his message will remain strong with us.

Like purple lilacs, despite how sensational we are today, tomorrow we all must die. Marvin Gaye died in 1984 in April; the same year Prince came into full bloom releasing Purple Rain. The purple sensation in bloom today is Bernie Sanders with an attractive message of hope over the prevalent ugly fear-mongering.

Metaphorically, the “Purple Rain” is a place to be free. Will America produce “Purple Rain” again? Is it still possible for purple precipitation to fall from the sky collecting for a time on earth and then evaporating back to the heavens? Will we ever see purple rain again? Is America still that place to be free that Prince sang about?

Muslims feel like they are living in the purple reign of Pilate, where soldiers mocked Jesus after they put a purple robe on him.

Politically, there is very little laughter in the wake of Obama’s period of purple rain. The sky is shaping up to be either aridly crimson red or drearily navy blue. No rain forecasted in this presidential campaign. The time of purposeful politics as a result of conservative conversations that artfully argue with liberal logicians for a shared democratic governance of our republic has died this year too. This is why many Americans ‘Feel the Bern’ and hope for the bloom of a purple sensation as a result of purple rain from the heavens.

The Jewish man, Bernie Sanders, represents a purple rain and reign. However, like another Jewish man from Palestine, Bernie is forced to don the purple robe. And, the people all are yelling “Crucify Him!” “Crucify Him!” Like Pilate, no one can find any basis for the charges against him. Instead we are all praying, hoping and looking to the heavens like Prince saying:

Purple reign, Purple reign,

Purple reign, Purple reign,

Purple reign, Purple reign.

I only want to see America underneath a Purple reign.

Honey, I know, I know

I know times are changing

It’s time we all reach out

For something new, that means you too

Let’s reach out for Bernie Sanders. Red republicans and blue democrats are old divisive politics. We need a blend of both worlds to bring about a purple precipitation of free and peaceful coexistence. As Prince sang:

You say you want a leader

But you can’t seem to make up your mind

I think you better close it

And let me guide you to the purple rain

Bernie Sanders is that leader. Neither kill our hope nor crucify our dreams. No need to wait for the BET awards tribute to really honor Prince. To really honor Prince we all should ‘Feel the Bern’ and lift our hand to vote — and sing:

Purple rain, purple rain

Purple rain, purple rain

If you know what I’m singing about up here

C’mon, raise your hand

Purple rain, purple rain

I only want to see you

Only want to see you

In the purple rain.

