An Epic Poem 4 El Hajj Malik & Malcolm El Shabazz #MX50Forever

by Ras Ceylon

The Center for Global Muslim Life


At Lighthouse Mosque, Oakland CA 2/20/15

This spoken word piece was created for the #MX50 weekend of February 21, 2015 marking 50 years since the martyrdom/ assassination of Malcolm X. It is inspired by the Autobiography of Malcolm X, his life work and my relationship with his grandson. It was performed at different events from Mosques in Oakland to UC-Berkeley that weekend. Video from the events will be forthcoming, Inshallah.


He was born on May 19th, 1925

in Omaha Nebraska his parents were Garveyites

Malcolm the 4th child of Louise and Earl Little

Strong organizers for Marcus Garvey’s UNIA they refused to be belittled

By the racist American society or the evil ku klux klan again

Earl moved the family to Milwaukee then Lansing Michigan

Because they were being threatened by the KKK and black legion

Who had already killed 3 of Earl’s brother for only one reason

Cuz they were black and proud you see the Little’s practiced self reliance

Defiance to the oppressors so they burnt down they house but he still wasn’t silenced

A NIGHTMARE in 1931 disaster struck

Earl Little assassinated decapitated on train tracks and Louise was stuck

To raise 7 children all on her own

The insurance company ruled it a suicide which they had 2 know was wrong

But still refused to honor his life insurance policy

Which left the Little’s suffering racked by extreme poverty

Eventually the state took over and sent Malcolm to foster care

Splitting up the family unit his mother Louise was ill prepared

To deal with this wickedness so she suffered mental illness

All the bros and sisters loved their mother so much it was hard to witness

But young Malcolm little excelled in grade school

Tho he felt like a MASCOT for the whites who called him N like it was his name which aint cool

Like his teacher who told him that he could never be a lawyer

Claiming it was unrealistic for men of his color

That summer he went to visit his big sister Ella out in Boston

Her matriarchal presence perhaps would have calmed him

If not for a cat named Shorty and the appeal of nightlife

He became known as HOMEBOY under roseland’s bright lights

In the black section of bean town called Roxbury right?

No more school jus working by day lindyhoppin at night

Wit LAURA dancing to Duke Ellington and Count Bassie’s showtime

Conk in his hair zoot suit grooving the streets & talkin that jive

Homeboy then moved to NY and became a HARLEMITE

Around the same time world war 2 had arrived

He avoided the draft by tellin the board he couldn’t wait to get sum guns to kill whites

A sly smile on the face of the young man now known as DETROIT RED

For a hustler like this 125th and Lenox was 7th heaven so he said

Hanging with Lady Day and all the celebrities around the way

Gaining street fame and a mouthpiece full of game

But eventually he was TRAPPED and CAUGHT by that fast life

It was back in Boston tryna fix a stolen watch that he would find

1 of the three things he feared at the time: a job jail or the army

And in 1946 indeed he found himself locked down

Facing 8–10 years at Charleston state prison

Other inmates began to call him SATAN cuz of his demeanor and how felt about religion

But there was a brotha in there called Bimby who told him he had some brains if he use it

So he hit the library and later got letters from his brothers Reginald and Philip

Saying he could be SAVED and get out of prison..

1st he stopped eating pork and no more cigarettes was their suggestion

Around this time he was transferred to a difft institution

It seemed his whole family had found a solution

They called it the natural religion for the black man with Elijah Muhammed as their SAVIOR

The said the white race were devils and for Malcolm that was major

His mind was racing as he contemplated what they were saying

Even his sister Hilda had joined this new lost/found Nation

Of Islam and then he saw a vision he didn’t quite understand

Of WD fard who was said to have brought knowledge of self & supposed supreme wisdom to the original man

Claiming 360 degrees as masons only had 33 and a third

He learned they story of Yacub and how they taught history had really occurred

His family said turn to Allah and Pray to the East

Yet he found it difficult to bend his knees while in the belly of the beast

But his appetite for information never ceased and he continued to read

At breakneck speed even started debating and won every single verbal battle with ease

More studying and reading even when they turned the lights out

Finally in spring of 1952 he was unleashed and went out

And bought eyeglasses, a suitcase and a wrist watch

Later reflecting that those items were all he needed for his life that was to come

Then he moved in with his brother Wilfred’s family in Detroit

Near NOI temple number one but Malcolm was annoyed

With how small the nation was so he hit the streets fishing 4 new recruits

From the youth as his leader had advised / by 1954 he was officially MINISTER MALCOLM X

Returning to Harlem as the head of Temple 7 reaching out to his old street connects

To resurrect their dead minds but they were mostly not ready

But were all very shocked at how much he had changed in 1958 he married a Muslim sister named Betty X

All this time he was growing the nation of Islam exponentially

Even his oldest sister Ella had joined unexpectedly

Soon an incident would happen that put him on the map

Nypd brutalized a member named Johnson Hinton and Harlem’s Brother Minister organized the counter attack

Traveling en mass the Black community was mobilized with rage

he made sure the brother got medical attention and later sued the city who paid

The highest settlement of any day or hour no man should have some much power was said by a coward

Cop but they had to admit this was a clear case of police brutality

Making local headlines then BLACK MUSLIMS became known nationally

When a TV show called “the hate that hate produced” came out

Images of a proud black spiritual movement televised in every house

Now Malcolm X was in high demand to speak all over as the organization kept growing

An alternative to passive non-violent protests that were showing

Black people getting beaten lynched and sicked with dogs and fire hoses

With a strong brilliant voice his comments on the southern freedom struggle everyday exposed this

Extreme hate and prejudice practiced by racists institutions he taught self defense is intelligence

reminding the masses that Black People were 3/5ths of a human according to the constitution

the hypocrisy of democracy was the brother Minister’s main target

But he used slavery days analogies to describe the reverend Martin

And the like as those who were in the house and not the field

His analysis of American history proved that the fake dream of equality wasn’t real

For his honest policy he was demonized by media and called a hate monger

Appointed the national minister by Elijah but on the

Horizon was jealousy and mistrust within his own ranks

Even the newspaper he founded was leaving his name out blank

Thanks to the FBI the NOI was thoroughly infiltrated

His uncompromised voice was seen as a danger to the system so they made it

Possible to drive a wedge between him and his leader

Then in 63 like ICARUS he was brought down to earth and felt betrayal from those around his teacher

He had been frustrated and held back from taking action

Like when lapd killed NOI treasurer Ronald Stokes and he was told there was to be no reaction

But that was nothing compared to when he learned of disturbing acts soon to be reported in the news

Of dishonorable behavior from the 1 man who he had praised as knowing divine truth

Next was his famous quote of “chickens coming home to roost”

Violence begets violence the killing of JFK was his proof

He said the same tools used to assassinate Lumumba

Had now taken out the U.S. president and soon the

Word came down that MX was to be silenced for 90days

He submitted and took his family to Miami at the invitation of charismatic young boxer named Clay

Who was the underdog of the bout for the heavyweight championship

No1 in the nation that he could win but there ringside in seat 7 sat the Minister with a grin

And after 4 rounds the young Cassius shook up the world and then celebrating his victory

With big brother Malcolm smiling and laughing with him another beautiful moment captured in history

The next morning the confident new champ announced he was a Muslim

Later given the name Muhammed Ali and the world was again shooken

But by this time Malcolm was OUT starting Muslim Mosque Inc & then Ella helped him to reach MECCA

The impact of the experience he wrote to Sister Betty in a famous letter

La ilaha il Allah Muhammed ar Rusal Allah he now proclaimed 4 the 1st time

The Qur’an and the Sunnah of the real last and final Messenger of the 1 true God became his guide

Prophet Muhammed Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him traditions he now embraced with pride

Let the record reflect EL HAJJ MALIK EL SHABAZZ was a changed man in many ways

But his commitment to struggle against injustice firmly remained

In fact it gained clarity and was he was cleansed with new insight

He changed the whole narrative of the movement from just civil to Human Rights

Arriving in Nigeria they called him Omowale the returned son

Spent months organizing in Africa where it all begun

He met wit Nkrumah in Ghana and Sekou in Guniea

Nasser in Egypt and many nations in between

This was the time the Motherland was decolonizing

With an international revolutionary perspective he felt the tide rising

Ethiopia and other countries offered him and land and jobs for developing

This awakened continent but he couldn’t leave 22million victims of Americanism back in this u.s colony

Calling out the global monopoly sited imperialism as the policy

So he established the organization of Afro American Unity

And brought an Imam from Sudan to teach the Black community

The Deen as a its practiced all over the earth

A Garveyite from birth Hajj Malik Latif El Shabazz was putting in work

That had the CIA and FBI much more shook than anybody

Leadership and morality at his level threatened the social order and corrupt society and economy

Just follow the stated goals of the feds COINTELPRO

Which named him as the black messiah who could unify and electrify the movement so the story goes

They had to take him out in 1965 he was in Selma while MLK was locked down

His position was if the oppressors didn’t give king what he wants

they’d have to deal with this militant philosophy that Malcolm X brought

Feb 14th his house was firebombed with Betty pregnant and his 4 girls in the home

its wrong to do harm to any innocent women and children

picture Malcolm with a rifle out the window ready to defend them

that same day he traveled to Detroit to speak

death threats everyday but this genuine leader was never weak

the definition of strength Malcolm X went the length

from shirk to Tawheed he was blessed with Shahada

Hajj and then became a Martyr in such a short time

Neva 4get February 21st 1965

The Audubon ballroom in the city of NY

When a true freedom fighter was assassinated but he didn’t die

In vain u see his life became the example our black shining prince

Ample numbers of brothers and sisters embraced politics and Islam because of him

I wonder how millions did he inspire to stop living in sin

He motivated militants mind like Huey P. Newton 2 form new organizations

Helped H.Rap Brown become the Imam Jamil Al-Amin on the straight path to liberation

A message to the grassroots with no falsehood and just truth

The offspring of Malcolm, Panther Cubs warrior youth in the hood is proof

of Malcolm’s renewed relevance 50 years since his martyrdom

The struggle continues and his sacrifices should never be forgotten

For me it begins when I read his autobiography at age 14

Since then I’ve given away dozens of copies to kids cuz his brand of education is so important to me

We take the legacy seriously and I hope wit this poem u learned something

Any mistakes are mine all truth is from Allah (SWT) no fronting

I wouldn’t be the man I am today if not for Brother Malcolm

Study his life work and analyze the outcomes

Almost every statement he made can apply to today

Inspired generations wit self determination to uprise and rebel in a righteous way

We will change the wretched conditions create a better living 4 all humanity

Wit the sincerity of Malcolm X we can liberate our own minds and peace to his family

I must teach bout my loved 1, his 1st male progeny

I’ve been blessed to build with this legacy so to him I will speak…

Image by Intifada Street

October 8th, 84 birth of a Revolutionary

By Any Means Necessary for u was hereditary

1st male heir, namesake and grandson of the gr8 Malcolm X

From the day u was born they made u a threat

We met and stayed connected before and after u made Hajj

With El Hajj Malcolm El Shabazz, the Grandson of Malcolm X in Berkeley CA 2011

And I miss u brother comrade Malcolm Latif Shabazz

And its hard they putting dirt on ya name and couldn’t explain

Assassinated like u predicted rise in power no pain ahk

Cuz it’s the year of the martyr no fear we fight harder

Freedom or death before dishonor we gotta keep living

Inshallah u are both accepted as Shahids in Jennah

Ramadan after your Janaza I finally took my Shahada

El Hajj Malcolm Latif El Shabazz Janaza in Oakland CA 5/17/13

After years of believing man could be God I now proclaim Most High Creator has no partners

In ur honor I stand 4 justice against evil enemies of truth like u asked us to

U told me loyalty is royalty but I truly wish there was more I could do

2 years since ur martyrdom 50 since yo grandfathers

Still a worldwide revolution going fyah burnin hotter

5 pillars of Islam remain strong in hearts and practice

We ride in solidarity till Judgment day we taking action!

Free’em all — -Takbir — -ALLAHUAKBAR

Oakland Islamic Community Center (OICC)had an event “Honoring El Hajj Malik Shabazz 50 years since his Martyrdom” on 2/22/15
“Audubon to Ferguson MX50” at UC Berkeley 2/21/15
“50 Year Anniversary of Martyrdom of Malcolm X Bay Area Unity Vigil” at Islamic Cultural Center of Northern California Oakland CA 2/21/15

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