Condition of the Earth, Condition of the People: Permaculture and the Spiritual Path with Rhamis Kent

Baraka Blue
The Center for Global Muslim Life
4 min readOct 15, 2015


Path & Present is a new podcast hosted by Baraka Blue that explores the intersections of spirituality, global life, culture, politics and philosophy. In this first episode, Baraka Blue is joined by Rhamis Kent, a world-renowned permaculture expert and educator. He has trained with Geoff Lawton at the Permaculture Research Institute of Australia. He is currently advising and involved in Permaculture projects all over the world including sites in Yemen, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE. For more information:

“There’s really nothing new about permaculture in and of itself — it’s a collection of environmental wisdom that comes from a lot of indigenous cultures that lived closer to nature. What permaculture has attempted to do is articulate certain common threads that you will find in different indigenous ways of being in the world and create a scientific presentation.” — Rhamis Kent

“permaculture has the potential to show how we can create a civilizational infrastructure that is regenerative rather than destructive.” — Rhamis Kent

“Permaculture is a linking science between different fields of study which provides us a chance to provide all the needs of human society — food, structure, etc — which does not destroy the places we live…we can work in concert with natural systems… but you first need to understand how these systems operate” — Rhamis Kent

“We are not separate from the natural world we are an integral part of it. This is part of a narrative that people have been fed for a long time which is the idea that we are supposed to be dominators.” — Rhamis Kent

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Baraka Blue
The Center for Global Muslim Life

Sending love, light & ancient wisdom through modern mediums via: music, poetry, workshops, retreats & classes. For booking: