Hip Hop Video from Saudi Arabia Takes on the Exploitation of Immigrant Laborers


A new video produced by Telfaz11, an online Arabic video network, takes on the exploitation of immigrant workers in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. The video features Saudi comedians, led by the Telfaz11 creative director Ibraheem al-Khirallah, in what looks like a take on The Roots classic video “What They Do” which makes fun of Hip Hop excess and stereotypes. Using serious lyrics with comedic visuals, the video makes a powerful statement in a number of ways:

The term sponsor is used throughout the video, and according to the Pakistan based Express Tribune,

For a migrant worker, a sponsor is typically a person that acts as a guarantor to foreign workers who come and work in the Gulf. The sponsor’s duty is to take care of all the administrative work on behalf of the foreigner, which includes paperwork, visa requirements and accommodation. However, it has been widely documented how sponsors in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf often mistreat and exploit these workers.

The video starts off with a shot of a migrant worker watching television and reading a newspaper when he is interrupted by his sponsor and questioned over why he is watching television.

“Oh sure, we brought you from Pakistan so you could read the newspaper and watch TV,” says an actor portraying a sponsor in the video before the song actually kicks off.

Here are the translated lyrics in the caption:

Everyone should listen up.

I carry everything on my back.

I do my sponsor’s work.

If I go, you’ll die.

I’m not afraid of my sponsor.

Carry the air conditioner. Install the air conditioner.

Install everything in the house!

The Saudis keep making me more of a slave

Think I’m afraid? Everything you do I see.

I’m not afraid of my sponsor.

I carry everything on my back.

I do my sponsor’s work.

Saudis talk a lot. All Saudis wanna act like bosses. Leave your sponsor!

Do you work well? If not, bye bye!

Who does everything in Saudi? Who built the infrastructure? Whose work is the best?

They say Bengalis are thieves. Watch yourself, you’re not perfect.

Who made the intersections? Who made the sewage system?

Who carries the trash? Who works at the convenience store?

All Saudis forget who drives the taxis.

Every day I carry the bags. Every day I do the washing.

Me and him, we might get deported. I’m not afraid of my sponsor.

I’m not afraid of my sponsor.

I carry everything on my back.

I do all my sponsor’s work.

Another video was also recently put out by a Bahrani YouTube vlogger y Almadani where he puts himself in the shoes of a migrant laborer by taking his place for a few hours at a convenience store. While most of the customers don’t take him seriously and don’t want to order from him, his sentiment is sincere and he makes important points about treating all workers with respect.

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The Center for Global Muslim Life (CGML) is a future-oriented Muslim social impact fund, cultural production lab, and research center