Lest We Forget — #AustraliaDay Celebrations? No thank you.

Reuben Brand
The Center for Global Muslim Life
1 min readJan 26, 2016

I don’t believe that destroying over 60,000 years of #Indigenous language, culture and history in just over 200 years of colonisation is anything worth celebrating.

Our Indigenous communities continue to be amongst the most marginalised group of people in Australia and we, as a society, continue to cast a blind eye to the impoverished conditions Indigenous communities are subjected to in an otherwise wealthy and supposedly progressive country.

The following illustration is a small insight into just some of the injustices our Indigenous communities have faced and continue to do so.

Lest we forget our past, so we can work towards a better future.

“Lest We Forget” by Reuben Brand. For more information please visit www.reubenbrand.com

