The 10 Most Innovative Global Muslim Blockchain & Metaverse Projects to Watch in 2022

Screen Capture from the Digital Sisterhood website

This article is kindly Sponsored by Gould Studio — Designing meaningful connections with Muslim audiences

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The Center for Global Muslim Life is a California-based nonprofit focused on the future through our work on long-term narrative change, digital media production & training, and social & spiritual impact in the world’s largest and most diverse faith community.

You can Support the Center for Global Muslim Life here with a tax-deductible charitable donation.

Thank you to our lead sponsors for your support — USHUB TV, Gould Studio, Zoya Finance, Islamic Family Canada, the Community Collaboration Initiative, and Feeling Blessed

We are looking for 99 Global Muslim artists from 99 different cities…



The Center for Global Muslim Life
The Center for Global Muslim Life

The Center for Global Muslim Life (CGML) is a future-oriented Muslim social impact fund, cultural production lab, and research center