-Ahmed Aguero prays in Camaguey, Cuba” — Photo Credit — John Alvado

The Beauty of Islam in Cuba — A Convert Community is Growing in the Island Nation


Diverse stories about Cuba are about as rare as diverse stories about Islam in the mainstream media. So combine the two and we find something really stunning in this recent photo essay by the Spanish photographer Joan Alvado featured on CNN.

In the midst of this majority Catholic nation here is a community of Muslim converts growing together. As Alvado told CNN, everyone featured in his series “Cuban Muslims” are converts,

“Many of them were Christians before or some other religion, or a few of them were atheists as well.”

He says the reasons for conversion vary. While some people view Islam as “a little bit more true or pure religion than others,” there are those who turn to Islam for more personal and specific reasons.

“The communities are being organized in very, very small groups, and someone in each group will offer their home on Fridays (to pray) or something like that,” he said.

Alvado says Cuban Muslims are constantly learning about their new religion and evolving together. “Everyone is doing a little bit of their own interpretation on how to read (Islamic) rules and be with them, more or less, and that’s interesting,” he said.

“A child photo of Elsa Morales who converted to Islam two years ago and changed her name to Fatima.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Fatima, seen in her bedroom with a photo of Jesus Christ in the background, is the only Muslim in her family.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Hassan Abdul Gafur converted to Islam in 1994.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
The Mosque in Camaguey was built in 2001 following traditional Cuban architectural techniques — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Muslim women gather for prayers, they gather every Friday in Havana’s Mariano quarter.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Ali moved to Havana five years ago. He converted to Islam in 2014.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“A 72 year old woman named Shahira struggles with a Hijab. She was an active Christian until three years ago. Now she is a member of the Cuban Islamic committee for women.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“A 71 year old Cuban named Muhammad Ali attends weekly Yoga classes.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Ahmed Aguero exercises every morning in Havana’s famous Malecon.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Osman Reyes became a Muslim in June. He used to practice Santeria. He lives with his family on the outskirts of Camaguey.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado
“Yarima, Ali’s daughter, is one of the first babies in Cuba to be born Muslim.” — Photo Credit — John Alvado



The Center for Global Muslim Life
The Center for Global Muslim Life

The Center for Global Muslim Life (CGML) is a future-oriented Muslim social impact fund, cultural production lab, and research center