The Children’s Ghazali Project by Fons Vitae

The Center for Global Muslim Life
5 min readNov 10, 2015


The Ghazali Children’s Project is nothing less than a revolution in developing humane, ethical, and committed Muslim youth, who are in dire need of guidance in these troubled times. Imam al-Ghazali is the “Proof of Islam,” and these teachings, presented in a beautiful life-affirming way, will prove to be a major shift in the way Islam is taught to young people. As a community, we owe much to Fons Vitae for bringing them to fruition. Let the transformation begin!” -Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Fons Vitae, the publishers of so many classics of Imam Ghazali into English has undertaken a momentous project. With a team of scholars from around the world, they have set out to translate all 40 books of Ghazali’s Ihya Ulum Al-Din, and create a children’s series based off this collection. Spearheaded by A. Gray Henry, the founder of Fons Vitae and co-founder of the Islamic Texts Society, and co-led by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, this project, insha’Allah, is in its final stages. Illustrators from all over the country have contributed, making beautiful illustrations that accompany Ghazali’s teachings. Take a look at some of the pages from this wonderful series, The Ghazali Children’s Project.

We hope you’ll consider donating to our campaign. This is going to change the way we teach our children.

A Page from “Al-Ghazali,” the biography

“How can I ask people to do good deeds while I, myself don’t practice it?”

“He spoke Persian and Arabic beautifully. When he gave public lectures, people were in complete awe by the way he spoke.”

“I must BE all the things I’m teaching…Turn away from this life of fame and pride in this material world…”

The Book of Belief for Children

The Book of Knowledge for Children

A page from “The Book of Belief for Children”
A page from “The Book of Belief for Children”
A child using “The Book of Knowledge” workbook
Two children using the workbook
A child visualizing what it means to have vices that cloud the light of the heart
Pages from “The Book of Knowledge” workbook
Page 26 from “Al-Ghazali.” A biography for young readers.
Page 15 from “Al-Ghazali.” A biography for young readers.
Page 28 from “Al Ghazali.” A biography for young readers.
Page 21 from “Al-Ghazali.” A biography for young readers

Project consultant, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf talks about the project at the Rihla in Turkey. Here he is holding up The Book of Knowledge for Children workbook.

From a child’s workbook. Here she learns how anger, selfishness and other vices cloud the vision and light of the heart.

At a fundraiser for Fons Vitae, Shaykh Hamza discusses the critical importance of Ghazali in our times. Watch:

More About The Children’s Ghazali Project

“Work is in progress at Fons Vitae to publish a translation and adaptation of Al-Ghazali’s 40-volume Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din(Revival of the Religious Sciences) into a series of children’s books.

It all began one day when she and her dear friend, who is now the project consultant, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf (co-founder of Zaytuna College in California), were lamenting the state of Islamic education for children.

Virginia feels that Muslim children are often presented with the most literal version of Islam, sometimes even making it hard for them to love the religion. She says, “They don’t see that their faith is one of inner purification to reach their spiritual hearts — the kaaba of their hearts.”

Virginia has always found inspiration in St Francis of Assisi’s direction to concentrate not on “doing” but on “being”. She says, “You can’t teach children the truth. They will recognise truth. We just have to polish their hearts.”

She feels that presenting Islam to children based on the works of Al-Ghazali will help them grasp the spiritual lessons of life using symbols and metaphors understood by children. She has spoken to groups of children, explaining to them the differences between worldly knowledge and spiritual knowledge, between the physical heart which needs food and the spiritual heart which relies on good deeds. The idea is to teach children self-observation and self-correction. Focusing on these timeless and universal truths will steer children towards God and help them deal with the challenges of the contemporary world.”

Read more about the amazing journey of Fons Vitae’s published, Aisha Gray Henry in this interview from Aquila Magazine!

