Photos by Mosa’ab Elshamy • Associated Press “Ashwaq, 12, rested outside her family’s tent at the Markazi refugee camp in Obock, northern Djibouti.”

Yemeni Refugee Crisis in Djibouti

Thousands Flee the Saudi Arabian Led War


As the world faces a series of escalating refugee crises, from the Rohingya in Burma, to economic refugees headed across the Mediterranean sea to Europe, from Syria and the Central African Republic. The newest refugee crisis receiving the least media attention is from Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen. A war that in less than six months has already killed 1,670 and injured another 3,829 with 700,000 internally displaced persons and 140,000 children under the age of five, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

There is also a growing population of thousands at the Markazi refugee camp who have fled Yemen across the gulf of Aden to Djibouti, the only country currently taking in Yemeni refugees. This photo essay from the German news agency, Deutsche Welle (DW), Solace in Djibouti” is one of the only news stories we have seen about this crisis.

“A refugee from Yemen prays outside his tent in Markazi refugee camp near Obock, Djibouti. As of June 2 the UN estimated that around 16 million people in Yemen were in need of humanitarian assistance.”

“Many of the Yemeni refugees coming by boat to capital of Djibouti are told to take the ferry to small town of Obock where Markazi refugee camp is located.”

“Gofran Hussein Mohammed, 22 and Aiham Ehab Makyam, 21, arrived around 3 weeks ago by boat from Aden. Today, Djibouti is the only neighboring country that is accepting refugees from Yemen. Crossing the ocean is the only way to get there.”

“Aiham Ehab Makyam, 21, sits in his tent in the UNCHR-hosted refugee camp near Obock in Djibouti. He left his family in Aden after his father told him that he still has a chance of a better future. In Yemen, says Aiham, that is impossible.”

“Refugee children from Yemen play football in Markazi refugee camp According to UNICEF almost 8 million children in Yemen are in need of humanitarian assistance.”

“At night 21-year-old Aiham Ehab Makyamom makes a fire to get more light in the refugee camp.”

“UNHCR has provided tents for the Markazi refugee camp. As of May 20, the camp is home to 1,055 refugees, but that number is expected to grow rapidly over the coming weeks and months as the conflict in Yemen shows no sign of abating.”

“Because of the extreme heat in the tents many Yemeni refugees in the camp sleep outside. During the day the temperatures can go beyond 40C, and many of the refugees complain about the unbearable heat.”

“Aiham Ehab Makyam sleeps outside his tent. “It is to hot to sleep inside the tent, and as soon soon the sun starts to go up in the morning you need to find a place with shadows.”



The Center for Global Muslim Life
The Center for Global Muslim Life

The Center for Global Muslim Life (CGML) is a future-oriented Muslim social impact fund, cultural production lab, and research center