Surviving Academia

Shreya Urvashi
Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2020

We live in strange times. We are all specialists, but no one really knows what we do!

One of the many oh-so-funny-yet-true definitions that exist about research and researchers.

The human mind is curious. It has always been- otherwise we would have not known about as many varieties of food as we do, or even known so much about the universe (which is still negligible compared to the amount of discovery that remains, but the fact that we know that we do not know makes our point in a sense). A brief internet search would show how much of a privilege it is to go in for a doctoral degree in today’s world. As stats say, less than one percent of the world actually enrolls for a PhD. While many might not be interested, others do not have the means or access.

How does an area of such immense expertise negotiate in a knowledge-seeking world like ours? Well, in short, it does very badly. While on the one hand, there are some people who are way too active on social and print media and can publicize any work that may or may not be authentic; on the other hand, the actual experts end up making incoherent arguments because, well, jargon is taught more fervently in universities than actual logic.

It is very difficult to break this pattern. The older academics are comfortable with what exists and the newer ones know that following the status quo is the only way to do well in the field.

But the scenario does not need to remain as bleak. This blog is our attempt to break out of that! We want to research (a lot!) and we want to tell it to everyone! Not having a doctorate should not mean not being able to understand scientific nuances. It is our purpose, as academicians and researchers, to write for the common public. And it is our purpose, as common people, to try to understand and appreciate the complexities of social and physical processes. Most importantly, it is our purpose as citizens of a globalizing world to read, reflect and respect all knowledges!

Why is it important? Because the current situation translates as there being a lot of available knowledge that is inaccessible to people. This is ironic, given that the whole purpose of academic research and knowledge is to understand and develop society more. The distance between academia and society has been since the beginning, making people skeptical about researchers and vice-versa. Our aim is to make scholarly knowledge accessible. We want scientists, researchers and activists to write for the common public.

We believe that knowledge should be free and accessible. And this page is our first step! Clickbaits are not our thing, and we know that passion shows. If you truly believe in something and have gotten deep into it, tell us about it.. but in words we would understand!

This blog is as much yours, as it is ours. The intent is to create a space for well-informed and relevant discussions, something that is much desired in these times. As we struggle with these uncertain times, the need for a common space to share and learn ideas has never been felt more.

“No Beginning, No End” (Picture from the Beatles Ashram in Rishikesh, India)

Contact us if you want to write for us, or even if you have suggestions! If you have an idea but are unsure, we will help you figure it out!

Cheers and love!

Team (Un)Scholarly

