
C Castillo
La Jeunesse
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2014


Darkness teaches us light. Awareness deepens shining brighter. There was one unopened door.

Maybe there was one more invitation to send. A life forgotten. Maybe I was living there, in the dust of an old prayer. Where was I waiting, unrealized?

Even in my state of ease, if there is one denial I maintain. In the dungeon of that place, I live too. Where is my waiting ticket, keeping me from blue sky? When I thought I was living golden, I realize now I was still defied.

Reaching down into the depth, I find my last survival. A waterfall within this well, where hope springs forth like a butterfly. In the deep waters, I find a larger sphere of ever expanding life. Life, a life that remembers nothing. Keeping nothing.

Without a well, or a cave. Just peace, on a plane where I walk into waves. Feeling the water rushing forth, as I too shine forth. Now I have nothing to hold on to, swimming into the cool horizon, a sunset upon my shoulders. While daylight arrives in time.

And I am again forgotten, remembers nothings, remembering nothing. The wind passes. I am again here.

the blessed white rose

in open time

prim with lush blossom

whose cedar tone

arrives lustfully

from the lips

of a golden trout

dearest sky

in the fog

knows not life

green leaf branch

over the fence

knows no light

until the wilderness

in fine clarity

of your perfume flute

now sighs

Know me not

in the day

nor moonlight

or young hours

only for a moment

meet me

as you bend


to smell the flowers

then forget me


one sweet scent

forever ours

