Ri Ligare

C Castillo
La Jeunesse
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2014

Ligare: to connect, the latin derivation of the word religion

comes from this verb meaning to bind, and the re- ligare, in essence, to connect again

We are two because we are meeting each other, to return to oneness where we were once separate. As individuals, we are in essence shared. The temperature within us, the ego, acclimates to the energy around us. As coffee cools to the room.

Placed amongst new patterns, our inner world raises its gravity to match the experience around us. As coffee tempers to the mug. Our choice, is to find a direction, to allow our natural pattern to develop.

Like stars, we know only our limits when alone. In meeting each other, the limit we know disappears, and we meet ourselves for the first time again. To be in the light, any light, which is foreign to our limit without gaining one, is love. Religion, to connect, is to bind again to our true nature in love.

All this is simple for us, as we are always like stars, shining. Our choice is if we move towards what attracts us- this is our natural life pattern. If we open ourselves to light, rather than imagining limits where there are none. We are two because we are meeting each other, and it is not our consciousness which expands but our awareness of our infinitude.

The ego, which creates inside us a sense of separateness, is a false conception that is mean to arise in the mind of a child, and then once more fall away again. The ego, as we realize now, is not meant to stay. The separateness was part of my maturity, which now in letting go of, creates the life that I always lived- only now I am truly alive in it. The ego itself is simply a limit on my horizon- it is a separate sense of impediment on the star. Without the ego, the star only shines.

We as a community, are like many stars on earth. As we realize we can live without the ego, we are able to meet each other, connecting and attracting like many stars in a large bright light- we are leading towards singularity. It is much like the coffee acclimating to the room — as one star lets go of the limit it brings more light to the whole group. The light is energy, and as the energy rises, so too does the group.

The brighter the large light of life without an ego, the less the separate stars want to be alone — the pace of love accelerates as we reach singularity. As we grow closer together, we need less time for the energy to acclimate. A glass of water acclimates faster to the room temperature. Time needs less moments to find eternity — the eternal quality within us is emergent more imminently, until we need not find it at all — like the cold water turning to room temperature, the quality finds us.

Consciousness, and love, are ways we describe the light we are, all the words are limits too. Intellect, names, answers, none of these are light. Light is here in love. Love is something that exists not in words but only in life, so words cannot bring us this. It is only in the space between one star to another, between me and you — and you is anyone. It is the same distance to love anywhere. It is the moment between a limit and love. Words and ideas can only remind us, or point towards the light. They are time — the distance to love. Our ego is the time it takes to move from limit to light, from distance, to eternity. As we become love without limits, we move closer to singularity- sharing the light of love, light in which there is no time. Time does not exist.

Openness is the beginning of time, and in this we find eternity. To connect again to the essence, the fire of shared light- is how we share eternity.

The Course of a Day

One wakes up in peace with ease. The goal of the day is to rest in peace with ease. Do whatever you have to do to express love. Do whatever you have to do to experience love. In doing so you will become more refined. More simple. Until you wake up and create. And rest in creation.

