Emerging Leaders Respond: Advocacy 102

Global Classrooms DC
UNA-NCA Snapshots
Published in
10 min readSep 1, 2021

Please draft a letter to your representative asking them to support an issue/theme that we have discussed in the program so far.

Anneliese Raynolds, College Junior

Dear Senator Maggie Hassan,

As a resident of Portsmouth, NH I am writing to ask you to support any legislation implementing carbon pricing.

Greenhouse gas emissions are having detrimental effects on the Earth’s climate. The negative effects of climate change include heat waves and droughts, the loss of property from flooding and sea level rise, and damage to farming. The public pays for the results of this, whether it be in increased health care costs, damage from extreme weather, or having to deal with food shortages. Carbon pricing can reduce emissions cost-effectively while driving clean energy innovation.

Having grown up in NH, I have noticed the accelerated rate that we have been experiencing more extreme weather. The past few summers have been plagued by droughts, with increased flooding in the spring. Winters have been overall warmer with snow storms hitting later in March and April. Additionally, many local farms have been struggling to retain good harvest. These are all issues I noticed in my everyday community that are the result of climate change.

The US must make the transition to a decarbonized economy, and carbon pricing is a big step to do that.

Thank you,
Anneliese Raynolds

Brayden Mahoney, College Senior

Dear Mayor Frey and members of the Minneapolis City Council,

My name is Brayden Mahoney and I am a resident of Minneapolis concerned about the Minneapolis Public Works’ purchase of the Roof Depot site and plans to demolish the building and convert it into a storage and maintenance facility, without sincere engagement of the affected community.

I am against Minneapolis Public Works’ plan for the Roof Depot site for the following reasons:

  1. The proposed plan for the Roof Depot site violates the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal #13, Climate Action, as it very clearly will pollute an already inequitably unjust environmental neighborhood in Minneapolis.
  2. Through organization efforts involving the diverse East Phillips community, and with the support of Rep. Karen Clark, Sen. Jeff Hayden, and Sen. Patricia Torres Ray, the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute created a comprehensive plan to use the Roof Depot site for their Urban Farm Project with the vision of increasing access to healthy food, and creating living wage jobs, and bringing environmental and economic justice to Phillips.
  3. Converting the site to a storage and maintenance facility would introduce more traffic, air pollution, and arsenic (as the site is part of south Minneapolis’ “Arsenic Triangle) to an 83% BIPOC community that is already overburdened with higher rates of asthma, ADHD, lead & arsenic poisoning, and cancer.
  4. In addition to the urban farm, the Roof Depot site would be much better used to house recently displaced communities and for local businesses that were destroyed in the uprisings, rather than a storage and maintenance facility. Community leaders from East Phillips has spoken with several businesses that are interested in relocating to the Roof Depot site and have discussed the practicality.
  5. East Phillips neighborhood is explicitly included in the Minneapolis Green Zones Initiative that aims to “improve health and support economic development using environmentally conscious efforts in communities that face the cumulative effects of environmental pollution, as well as social, political and economic vulnerability.” And yet, the city has failed to conduct an assessment of the environmental impacts of their plan or have good faith negotiations with the affected community.
  6. The city’s own advisory group, the Community Environmental Advisory Commission (CEAC), has sent you a letter stating that the city should return the Roof Depot site to the East Phillips community. However, no one from the mayor’s office or the City Council has responded.

For these reasons, I demand that Minneapolis Public Works immediately stop plans to demolish and repurpose the Roof Depot site until good faith discussions are had with the affected community and everyone comes to an agreement that is socially, economically, and environmentally just.

Brayden Mahoney

Pavani Durbhakula, 10th Grade

Dear Representative Trone,

My name is Pavani Durbhakula, and as a high school student in Maryland, and one of your constituents, I am writing to express my concern about the climate change that continues to plague our planet. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage on, climate change has fallen as a global priority, leaving our planet in worse condition than ever before.

Climate change is a difficult issue to grapple with, because it can seem distant and vast. While many people may know about the dangers of greenhouse gases and deforestation, or be passively aware that some nations may be completely submerged in less than 50 years, it is hard to feel that climate change is truly affecting us. However, I’m writing to you today because I believe climate change truly is an urgent problem that demands national — and global — attention. Climate change matters to me because we have no Plan B, only Earth. I know that my generation will have to face the repercussions of centuries of neglecting the environment. With July 2021 bearing the designation of the hottest month on record, we are already starting to see the consequences of poor climate choices, as well as a warning of what is to come if we continue acting this way.

Today, I am asking you to support policies and legislation that help to protect our planet and work towards the mitigation of the disastrous effects of climate change. Climate change is a problem that we all need to care about, because it is no longer a problem of the future. As we are seeing each and every day, climate change is a problem of today, and urgent action is needed to prevent the situation from getting even worse. We must dedicate these next four years to ensuring that we take action and reverse climate change before it is too late. I am requesting your legislative support of climate-friendly policies and programs that improve education about the environment and help enable people and organizations to be more climate-conscious and take steps to limit pollution and other factors that contribute to climate change. I am hopeful that this action can help to spur global change and protect our planet, today and tomorrow. Thank you for your time.

Pavani Durbhakula

Anjali Patel, College Graduate

The issue I am tackling is equal access to education, particularly for displaced students. It is important to note that this draft will be edited and that my congressional representative has supported displaced communities in the past. I felt it was important to highlight my background, who I am, as well as tangible and feasible ways the representative could help.

Dear Representative,

I know your values are grounded in giving back and serving the community. I want to join you and do the same.

I am a recent graduate of George Washington University. During my time on campus, I was involved in a lot of refugee advocacy work. I’ve learned more than I ever imagined I would about forced displacement, migration, and the nuances that come with each individual’s experience in this realm. I want you to know that I also strongly value taking the information we learn to strengthen our communities.

As a desire to take what I have learned and bring it back to the place I am originally from, I want to ask you to take one step further in supporting refugees in our community. The University Alliance for Refugees and At-Risk Migrants is an initiative that works to make college and higher education more accessible for displaced students. Universities in our community are participating in this initiative and I invite you to support it.

I know you understand the importance of education for all, and that includes making it more feasible. As a public servant, your words matter and have tremendous impact. Simply sharing this initiative on your social media and speaking about it in rooms of opportunity can direct more people, engagement and support to the cause. Together, let’s ensure that everyone in our community can successfully participate in higher education no matter their circumstance.

Outlined are tangible steps you can take that should take just a few minutes

Share the following Tweet: [Insert Tweet]
Donate to [Insert link to Initiative]
Other ways to help

Thank you so much for your time. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.

Alexios Eleftheriou, 9th Grade

Dear Senator Cardin,

I am writing to you, as one of your constituents, to ask that you take increased actions to address climate change and global warming. While the US is currently preoccupied with numerous other issues, it is as important as ever that we address climate change. The issue is not at all going away. And each day we do not take action to address climate change, it becomes more of a threat. I recognize that many issues seem much more pressing and important, however in the long-run no issue is more pressing or more important. Accordingly, I ask that you continue to use the authority you carry as a US senator to respond to climate change and mitigate global warming.

Thank you,
Alexios Eleftheriou

Minako Furukawa, College Graduate

Topic: Inequalities + Global Education
August 30, 2021

Minako Furukawa

U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Representative:
As a constituent of your district, I am writing to urge you to support the Keeping Girls in School Act (H.R.4134). Girls are three times more likely to be kept out of school, particularly in countries affected by conflict, and adolescent girls are at high risk of dropping out due to forced marriage, pregnancy or family pressure. These factors have been exacerbated by the negative impacts of COVID-19.

Conversely, if every girl receives 12 years of free, safe, quality education, lifetime earnings for women could increase by $15–30T globally.

H.R.4134 will require the Department of State and USAID to update the U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls. The bill will employ monitoring and evaluation strategies to ensure that programs significantly close the gender gap in secondary education. In addition to facilitating girls’ progress and development, the collective economic benefits of education will help lift communities and nations out of poverty.

Again, I urge you to support H.R.4134 to empower girls around the globe and enable them to study in a variety of subjects without facing any threats and fears. Please let me know if you or your staff/colleagues would like any additional information on this significant issue, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Minako Furukawa

Works Cited

“Email Congress to Support the Keeping Girls in School Act.” The Borgen Project,

https://www.votervoice.net/mobile/BorgenProject/Campaigns/86753/Respond. Accessed

30 August 2021.

“Sample Letters.” APA, https://www.apa.org/advocacy/guide/sample-letters.pdf. Accessed

30 August 2021.

Sinclaire Ogof, College Sophomore

Dear Matthew Cartwright,

As a constituent of yours and a future leader of our country, I am concerned.

Climate change, a big topic of debate,is becoming an increasingly concerning issue. I am concerned that there will not be a tomorrow for me. I am concerned that my future will be limited due to our actions now. I am asking you to take the time and thought into pursuing more climate saving policies. I am not asking you to blindly accept my word but instead to do your research and realize for yourself why this is a concerning matter. Thank you for your time and I hope you will take my future, along with million other Americans.


Sinclaire Ogof

Maryam Abdul Sattar, College Graduate

August 30, 2021

Dear Senator,

My name is Maryam Abdul-Sattar and I am a social worker in El Cajon California. El Cajon has a large group of homeless population which ranks fifth in size of the 18 cities in San Diego County. Of the twelve neighborhoods in the city of El Cajon, Bostonia has the largest number of homeless people. The number of homeless individuals is not only a problem for those who are unsheltered, but it is a problem for the community as a whole. A large number of this population engages in drug use, and they tend to gravitate to public parks to hang out. This behavior has a negative effect on the children who reside in Bostonia. In January, the city of El Cajon conducted a survey of the homeless population in the city that showed 14 percent of the individuals
surveyed struggle daily with substance abuse, and alcohol addiction. The screaming, yelling, and profanity has reached a level where the residents feel unsafe and they believe it is time for the city to take action. I am writing to you in the hopes that you will join us in our efforts to make Bostonia a safer more pleasant neighborhood by providing shelter and other resources to ease the
typical stressors involved in homelessness, such as the daily search for shelter, food, and a safe environment which can have a negative effect on the mental health and quality of life for the homeless population. Since Bostonia is in your district, we would like you to take the lead to resolve this issue.


Maryam Abdul-Sattar, BSW
Resident of Bostonia

Alexios Eleftheriou, 9th Grade

Dear Senator Cardin,

I am writing to you, as one of your constituents, to ask that you take increased actions to address climate change and global warming. While the US is currently preoccupied with numerous other issues, it is as important as ever that we address climate change. The issue is not at all going away. And each day we do not take action to address climate change, it becomes more of a threat. I recognize that many issues seem much more pressing and important, however in the long-run no issue is more pressing or more important. Accordingly, I ask that you continue to use the authority you carry as a US senator to respond to climate change and mitigate global warming.

Thank you,
Alexios Eleftheriou

