Vero IsoardiCómo tener root_path diferentes para mobile y desktop en Ruby on RailsDefine rutas dinámicamente según el dispositivo en Rails con request-based constraints.Nov 21, 2024Nov 21, 2024
Maximiliano MendivilIntroducción a Eager Loading AssociationsEager loading es una técnica utilizada en Rails para cargar en memoria asociaciones de Active Record de manera anticipada, evitando el…Oct 1, 2024Oct 1, 2024
Agustín SerenaInfinite Scrolling with Hotwire Turbo Frames in Ruby on RailsIn modern web applications, providing a smooth and responsive user experience is paramount. Infinite scrolling is a popular technique that…Aug 27, 2024Aug 27, 2024
Gonzalo GaldámezSupercharging Ruby on Rails with Active Support Core ExtensionsIf you use Ruby on Rails, you’ve probably had that moment of surprise when you realize Rails already provides a method that does exactly…Aug 20, 2024Aug 20, 2024
Bárbara Corro10 Rubocop Rules for Clearer and Higher-Quality Ruby CodeYou’ve finally decided to add RuboCop to your project. You add the gem, run the “rubocop” command for the first time, and get something…Aug 14, 2024Aug 14, 2024
Nicolás GaldámezHow to Use ‘rails about’ to Explore Your Rails Project StackHow to use rails about to see project tech informationAug 2, 2024Aug 2, 2024
Gonzalo GaldámezRuby on Rails: Avoiding Cache Stampedes with race_condition_ttlToday we’re discussing Cache Stampedes in Ruby on Rails and how to prevent them using :race_condition_ttl.Jul 8, 2024Jul 8, 2024
Gonzalo GaldámezA brief guide to belongs_to Helper Methods in Ruby on RailsBelongs_to introduces several helpful methods to manage associations in our Ruby on Rails models. Let's see them.Jul 5, 2024Jul 5, 2024
Gonzalo GaldámezHTTP Basic Authentication in Ruby on Rails with authenticate_or_request_with_http_basicIn this article, we’ll explore a case where HTTP Basic Authentication could be useful and see how it works.Jul 5, 20241Jul 5, 20241
Nicolás GaldámezTips for organizing your routes in Ruby on RailsThe routes.rb file is a crucial part of any Ruby on Rails development project. It’s essentially the map of our application, and keeping it…Jun 4, 2024Jun 4, 2024