Imagine, how much we can do with the time and energy we lose when we are anxious.

Escaping Fearfields.

Are you in Fearfields*? How’s it in there?

Ian-Simeon David
Published in
3 min readMar 29, 2016


I have been living my life in a total turmoil of worries, fear and insecurities but yet I cannot say I have conquered that already, no, not yet. I’m sure it will be complete euphoria If ever I’m able to conquer that.

Unfortunately, life doesn’t come along like that, we face difficulties and obstacles, and thats the real meaning of life, thats how its meant to be.

I don’t believe anyone would be completely happy without hurdles here and there, whether you’re young, adult, rich or poor, it just works like that. But in the end of it all, there’s still hope for everything.

Deep within, fear is important, and needed. It can force us to make changes and go forth, or curl up in a ball and hold back. Its all on how you percieve and take on it.

Its not easy to maintain a stance without shaking a little, its what we do best that keeps us moving on.

Living up to our goals is the most accomplishing thing anyone would really enjoy seeing happening, who doesn’t like accomplishments? and all that happens if we push fear aside, and really go forth.

I have learnt that whatever the case is, living with fear isn’t always the best idea. Fear can only eat you up, leave you hollow on the inside and have you weak outside. Its fine to worry a little, but not fine making it a habit.

I take on my creativity whenever I feel anxious, I would go into my idea list & create something cool, I tend to imagine what I could do with all that — its like imagining how you can save the world in different ways you take for granted. That makes me realize how fear can motivate someone, or at least get them out of it.

We lose positivity from fear, or worrying too much. Some can call this anxiety. I dont know how YOU would call it. But you can turn it all around using just one thought, one positive thought.

I once thought, of a strategy that could be as positive at it sounds. Starting a brand new week with a common goal, or a list of things I wanna change, and focus on it — ahh, yeah, this is not news. But, have you tried it? how was it? what was it for? did it work out?.

Making it easier for you, I believe its all entirely up to how you handle your week, if I may say. Starting a fresh week with a fresh attitude and goal may create a wonderful experience throughout the week. This brings as back to town, with me starting a fresh week, and a fresh adventure.

I’m tired of being a humble citizen in Fearfields, where opportunities aren’t equal for all, we all need to fight for fairer treatment. If one wants to become important in Fearfields, or leave the town, they just dont wake up and go, they’ve got to have a reason, a positive reason. Otherwise, the town’s gatemen won’t let you.

To be continued…

The Red dot, is you. The Blue dot, is either your fear, or the outcome of actionable positivity. Bigger than you, always.



Ian-Simeon David

An Earth Dragon Child, Entrepreneur & Creative Professional at @Ianiverse. 