America has a Chance to Change Herstory

Something good could come from all of this

Marilyn Flower
Unapologetically Real


Back in the early 90s, I was chatting with the then director of the Alameda County Health Care Agency about Medicare for all.

Only then it was called the Single-Payer Plan. It might have been a ballot initiative in California at the time. It didn’t pass. But a lot of us got a real education about the structure of our health care system by being involved.

So I asked the director if he believed we could ever have Single Payor. His answer surprised me. He said, Yes. But first, our current system has to fall apart.

So here we are some twenty or so years later in the beginning stages of the Coronavirus’ invasion. That coupled with the complete lack of foresight and insight on the part of our leaders, we could well be headed into the collapse of our health care system, and even our economy.

It certainly stands to be overtaxed, given we missed the containment stage. Now we’ll be faced with the challenge of managing it in massive numbers.

This is unconscionable when leaders are already overwhelmed and screaming at us to take precautions to slow the spread of the virus before it’s too late.



Marilyn Flower
Unapologetically Real

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?