Mother’s Day Is an Occasion I’d Prefer to Forget, Not Celebrate

Some things are better left in the past.

Marilyn Regan
Unapologetically Real


Photo by Jackie Tan on Unsplash

Mother’s Day is a Hallmark holiday invented to sell cards. And for those of you who receive them, congratulations. You’re ahead in the game.

For many, it is a day of expectation and disappointment and another day to grieve mothers who have passed. Or worse, children who have passed.

A day to wait for something that will never come.

A day to cringe every time someone chirps, “Happy Mother’s Day!” What is that supposed to mean anyway?

I stay away from those happy Facebook posts “celebrating” a day that honors mothers. Why rub it in my own face?

It’s a day of memories I’d prefer to forget, but can’t because Mother’s Day is in my face everywhere I turn. It begins a week before the blessed event and then won’t go away for a full 24-hours.

My First Mother’s Day

I was the mother of a beautiful, three-month-old baby boy on my first Mother’s Day in May 1987.

Motherhood had not been easy. I quit a job I loved to care for my son full-time, lived in an isolated country neighborhood, had no money, and was alone, sometimes for an entire day.



Marilyn Regan
Unapologetically Real

Marilyn is a writer, yogi, and spiritual medium. Her favorite people are animals, especially ones that meow. She loves the ocean and hates one-use plastic.