We’re All Hopelessly Flawed, but We’re All Flawed Together

Accepting this fact can help you accept yourself and others

Marilyn Regan
Unapologetically Real


Photo: Pixabay

I flipped the bird as a red blur appeared next to me at the stop sign. I was alarmed, scared as crap, and losing my temper.


I have red hair, am a Pisces, and sometimes the water just boils. Sometimes I know when I’m being triggered and can calm myself by consciously taking deep breaths. I fill my belly with air, pull it up into my lungs, feel my ribs spread and then exhale slowly. Other times I just go off like a bomb. My heart races, sparks fly out of my ears.

This breathing along with meditation is a part of my mindfulness practice. It’s taught me to take things less personally and altered my hot temper. Over the years, it has enabled me to put it into use while driving and minimize my road rage. Or at least keep the worst of my emotions to myself.

I’ve made significant strides in the right direction, but alas, I’m only human. The good news is if you’re not a plant, animal, mineral, or vegetable, so are you. And we’re all capable of reigning in our emotions through practice.

I call it self-improvement.

My Philosophy on Self-Improvement



Marilyn Regan
Unapologetically Real

Marilyn is a writer, yogi, and spiritual medium. Her favorite people are animals, especially ones that meow. She loves the ocean and hates one-use plastic.