Mariyam Haider
Unarchived Writings
1 min readAug 12, 2016


Why do I let some LinkedIn requests hang forever.

It is a strange feeling to check your LinkedIn account daily and ignore the pending requests. They are always there. People want to build their professional network, widen the scope of connections, check new profiles, understand professionalism on LinkedIn better.

However, I am one of those people who do not accept every LinkedIn request which comes their way. I do not always understand the need of adding new faces whom I’m never going to interact, especially when it comes to work. I send many professional requests too, primarily to relate to jobs and people whose work I am interested in. I’m sure I get requests on the same principle as well. But I do not want to add every request that comes my way. At the same time, I hate ignoring all requests, as it might make me look like a jerk.

So what do I do? I ignore those requests in reality but never delete them. They keep piling up, until one day, my OCD takes over and delete all in a spree. That day was today. I deleted six requests, and felt at ease immediately. Like a job got done. Phew. Now another piling for the next month.

