Unaty Platform Update #2 πŸš€

Introducing Topics, a better way to organize your information, files, communication, and events.

Sean McCall
Inside Unaty
2 min readMay 16, 2018


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Topics πŸ€ πŸ•

From talking with hundreds of Communities, we noticed that it was difficult to organize different types of information in communities around relevant central categories. Finding the shift plan for the concession stand at a tennis tournament was hidden in a folder on Dropbox, while the event is on Facebook, the group you want to share the document is with is on WhatsApp. That’s why we introduced Topics as a central element of your Communaty.

Members can create their own and subscribe to all Topics in a Communaty

Organize your Information πŸ“… πŸ“

Any Member can create and subscribe to a topic. Subscribing means you will receive notifications relating to that topic, like when new events are created, when members post, groups are added or documents are uploaded.

Connect Documents, Groups, Posts and Events to Topics

Examples of Topics 🏈 ⚽

Topics are meant to be broad and can be really anything you think is relevant to your Community or your Members. Classic examples would be sports like baseball or football, social activities like going for a beer or grabbing coffee.

Topics are broad and be created as anything β€” here are a few examples

A pillar of sustainable Democracy is an educated citizenry. Building a Better World starts by raising the awareness of all who are part of it β€” only then can we truly work together to build a better future for everyone.

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Sean McCall
Inside Unaty

Building a Better World as Co-Founder, CEO @ Unaty. Passionate about Community, Technology, Design, and Fishing. @sean_mccall14