Unaty Platform Update #3 🚀

Maximize member reachability with Contact Methods and the improved Engage Messenger.

Sean McCall
Inside Unaty
3 min readMay 24, 2018


Check it out at app.unaty.de

Contact Methods 📲 💻

We kept hearing from Members that they we’re overwhelmed by the sheer amount of messages they were receiving and found little relevance in the messages they received from their Communities. At the same time, Community Administrators are frustrated that Members show such low engagement and don’t respond to their messages.

That’s why we created Contact Methods. Each member can and verify add multiple emails or phone numbers (for sms), then determine how the Community can reach them through those methods.

A member can decide for example, to receive meeting minutes on email A, event invites on email B, and event updates (start time change) per SMS C.

This creates a new level of flexibility and transparency of member-community communications and lets administrators reach Members with more relevant content on the channels they choose.

Members can customize their Reachability — adding as many methods as they wish

There are currently 2 Communication Contexts where you can designate your Reachability:

Alert 🚨

Meant for really important notifications like an event cancellation, or a highly important message that is urgent.

Message 📨

Messages are meant for more general information like Meeting Minutes, Documents being sent around, and informative messages.

We’re thinking about adding custom context options for Communities — we’d love to hear your thoughts on this: hello@unaty.de

Engage Messenger 📥 🙌

All new to the Unaty Platform is the Engage Messenger — the ultimate tool for contacting your Members. It revolutionizes the Member-Community communication experience with 1) a powerful member selection builder 2) emoji support 3) merge tags 4) template support and 5) multi-channel communication.

Meet the Engage Messenger

Multi-channel Communication 🥃

When you click ‘Send Message’ the content you entered is prepared for all different communication channels where members have chosen to be reached. This means you can send out SMSs and Emails from the same easy to use interface!

A pillar of sustainable Democracy is an educated citizenry. Building a Better World starts by raising the awareness of all who are part of it — only then can we truly work together to build a better future for everyone.

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Sean McCall
Inside Unaty

Building a Better World as Co-Founder, CEO @ Unaty. Passionate about Community, Technology, Design, and Fishing. @sean_mccall14