Updates from Unaty

Tobias Wirtz
Inside Unaty
Published in
1 min readNov 14, 2017

It’s been a while since we have introduced Unaty on Medium. Much has happened, not just regarding our idea but also regarding our product. We are confident that we are becoming the platform that every organization can rely on to handle their administrative workload and foster their social relationships. Among our major changes are:


Events are what drive organizational activity. Everybody gathers to fill their organization with life. We have thought long and hard about how we can give that life a home in the digital world. With our new Events feature, we are positive that we have fit that mold. Recurring events, events with external guests or just a barbecue: You name it, Unaty can make it happen.


Documents help your organization to stay organized. Documents become a problem when there are different states of the same document scattered among many different people. That’s why we have added a document management tool where you most need it: The one place that every member of your organization can get access to.

Custom Profile Fields

We realize that we don’t know everything about your organization or your members. That’s why we let you decide what kind of information you want to retain about your members. Create custom profile fields for your members — because every organization has something that makes it different.

Additionally, we have fixed many bugs so that our platform is even more usable than before. Get your organization a digital backbone now at unaty.de.

