The Product Release Checklist

How to level up your product quality with release checklists

Jeff Whitlock
2 min readMay 12, 2019


Atul Gawande, in the Checklist Manifesto, argues that “the volume and complexity of what we know has exceeded our individual ability to deliver its benefits correctly, safely, or reliably.”

His recommended solution? A checklist.

A checklist? Come on. That’s too simple.

According to Gawande, however, checklists have been shown to significantly improve quality and decrease error in a number of fields from hospitals to air travel.

We took this idea to heart and started a pre-release checklist to improve the quality and minimize the errors in our builds. The checklist was simple, but it greatly improved our release quality. Something so simple, followed with discipline, was a great thing for our customers.

Before we could ship, each item on our list needed to be checked. This was not a bureaucratic tool. And checking boxes was not the ultimate goal. The tool helped us embrace a culture of teamwork and discipline.

Below, I share some thoughts principles on what makes a great release checklist and why to use one. You can also skip all that, and get started using the one we created here: Example iOS Pre-Release Checklist

Why use a checklist

  1. Improve consistency: By having a single, simple tool that outlines a human-led process, you can greatly improve the consistency of the process since humans have limited working memory and processes are always adapting.
  2. Codify knowledge: Checklists are a simple tool for codifying working knowledge. This helps new team members get up to speed faster and transfers knowledge across groups.
  3. Ensure completion and promote coordination: Using a centralized checklist, everyone can contribute to the discipline of quality. There is less opportunity for corners to be cut or critical steps to fall through the cracks.

What makes a great checklist

  1. Keep it short and simple or you won’t follow it: A good rule of thumb is to make it no more than a page. Make sure to use plain language that everyone on the team can understand.
  2. Identify who’s responsible for what: Make sure it’s clear which person or group is responsible for a specific action.
  3. Take an impact or risk-based approach: Your checklist should not be a comprehensive “how to go,” but instead should contain the highest-priority, must-do items based on impact and/or risk.

Finally, remember that checking the boxes is not the goal. Instilling a culture of discipline and quality is.

I hope you find this helpful. Contact me via email ( or Twitter (@JeffreyWhitlock) if you have any questions!



Jeff Whitlock

CEO and Founder at Unbird. I love product, startups, software, and politics.