Why I Chose to Forfeit My Simily Earnings

I have three reasons to not claim my earnings.

Glenn Stok
Step UP Your Writing Potential
3 min readDec 15, 2022


Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

I finally reached the $10 threshold for Simily to pay my earnings. But while completing my payment information in the payment portal, I discovered several issues that convinced me to leave my small earned revenue behind and get the hell out.

The first problem: I discovered that they keep 2% plus $1 for themselves. So my $10 is reduced to $8.80.

They offer several methods to pay us: PayPal, direct deposit via ACH transfer, and check. However, they all are reduced by fees as listed here:

  • PayPal Fee: 2% plus $1.00
  • Check Fee: $1.99 plus FX fees
  • ACH Fee: $1.00
  • Wire Transfer Fee: $15

Why the PayPal Fees?

I don’t have fees taken out when I’m paid from HubPages via PayPal. I receive the total amount of my royalties. That might not be true for other countries, but in the United States, there are no PayPal fees for payments from HubPages. So why is Simily different? They are both author content platforms.

Questionable Security

The second thing that concerned me was security. Simily claims that they partnered with Tipalti to…



Glenn Stok
Step UP Your Writing Potential

Insightful Narratives for Enlightened Minds. Visit my author website for free content: https://GlennStok.com