The 15-Point Landing Page Pre-launch Checklist

Inside Unbounce
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2018

Landing pages have so many moving parts. And when you’ve got a bunch of marketing campaigns on the go, that means you’ve got a bunch of landing pages to create. (Because you’re maximizing your chances for conversion by using a unique landing page for each campaign, right? Right??)

With multiple landing pages to build and not a lot of time to do it, things can slip through the cracks. If only there were a list of things that you could just check off before publishing a landing page… oh wait. There is.

Based on the report generated by Unbounce’s Landing Page Analyzer, we’ve compiled a checklist that includes all the things that your landing page should have before you launch (and that you’re graded on when you run it through the analyzer).

So before you hit “publish,” here’s what you should look for before going live:

1. What’s your page size?

Larger pages (which tend to have a lot of images) load more slowly, which is not great for your readers. There are free tools online (like the Analyzer!) that you can use to check your page size.

2. Have you compressed all your images?

You could speed up your page by up to 9%! Use the analyzer and compress your images automatically so you can reupload in a flash.

3. Is your page mobile-responsive?

Many people browse on phones and tablets now, so this will give them a better experience overall. Where it makes sense for your marketing strategy, make sure that a mobile version of your page is enabled for your visitors.

4. Do you have a compelling above-the-fold message?

The top of the page is where you make your first impression — make sure it’s a good one.

5. How many external links or calls to action are on your landing page?

One is generally best. If you have more than one thing to click, your visitors will be less focused on the main goal of the page and less likely to convert.

6. Do your calls to action all have relevant copy?

Make them descriptive and as concise as possible — it’s a tall order, we know, but it’s important.

7. Is your page search-engine-accessible?

If your page is blocking search engines from seeing it, then you won’t show up when people search for keywords relating to you. Make the page crawlable to get more traffic (but hide it if it’s not strategically relevant)!

8. What does your page title say?

Did you write a descriptive title that lets people know what your page is all about? Does it get cut off? (Psst! Pay attention to #10 on this list too…)

9. Do you have a meta description?

Meta descriptions are what people see for your page when it shows up on a Google search. It’s a good place to insert keywords and give your potential visitors a quick summary of why they should click. This is your first call to action, so to speak.

10. Do you have H1 tags?

H1 tags are also good places to have your main keywords, and you can see all the H1 tags you have by looking at the code.

11. Is your page SSL-encrypted?

An easy way to check: does the URL start with “https?” Is there a green padlock symbol to the left of it? This can help put your customers’ minds at ease when they’re filling out personal information on your page. Pro tip: it’s easy to make a landing page that’s SSL-encrypted in Unbounce!

12. Do you have any social proof?

Testimonials, whether they’re in the form of Tweets or just plain non-fancy written form, are helpful for building trust with your potential customers. Make sure your page has a few!

13. Does your page have message-match?

This looks at how well your landing page copy matches the phrasing of the ad or link that brought visitors there. This helps create a smooth journey and reduce confusion. Imagine if someone clicked on an ad for new racing bikes and landed on a page that sold cars… not good.

14. Does your page have message-match above the fold?

This is probably the most important place to have message-match, as it’s the first thing your visitors see when they arrive on the page after clicking on something. Make sure that they know they’ve landed in the right place!

15. Do you have open graph social tags?

This fun little feature is often forgotten by marketers! Open graph social tags are the copy in the little previews when your page is shared on Facebook and Twitter. Make sure it describes your page clearly and is concise enough that it doesn’t get cut off!

If you want one last check of your page before going live, run it through the Landing Page Analyzer and get a custom performance report at!



Inside Unbounce

Build high-converting landing pages, popups and sticky bars for your marketing campaigns without developers. Talking marketing, tech, and Canadian goodness.