Integrate Using Unbounce And Mailchimp

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20 min readJun 9, 2021

Introduction To Integrating Unbounce and Mailchimp

A website is nothing without a good landing page, let's face it. Unbounce Mailchimp has an integration that will help you make sense of this whole marketing thing. Campaigns changes by the minute, and you need the best tools to help you stay on top of your marketing game.

When you are looking for ways to increase traffic and engagement to your website, look no further than Unbounce and Mailchimp. The two of these tools are great separately, but even better when the two are combined. While both are two different tools that help you achieve these goals, both are able to work together seamlessly.

The effort that it takes to grow a website can be great. You are going to start and stop, want to take a break, and more. Sometimes you have to work long days and nights simply to get your website off of the ground. One thing about integration is that it really does make the task easy when used correctly.

Unbounce Mailchimp integration is an easy way to take your ideas for marketing to new heights. Have you ever received an email from one of your favorite companies stating that a new item was on sale? How about local events? These are two ways that landing pages and email marketing integration help to get the word out. Without this method, there would be great difficulty in reaching the number of people that we do today with email marketing.

Unbounce Mailchimp Emails

Discussing Landing Pages and Development

Unbounce Mailchimp integration takes landing pages and email marketing to the next level. Once you find the proper idea, the execution of the right campaign is sure to follow.

During this article we will discuss landing pages and why they are so vital to the success of your marketing efforts. Topics will range from the importance of landing pages, email marketing, and how to make the two of these work together.

Knowing how to increase your Unbounce Mailchimp engagement is a very sought after skill. Not everyone understands how to do these without the assistance of professional developers. When you take a look at the information below, you will have a better concept of how to integrate Unbounce with Mailchimp to take your business to the next level.

Landing Pages Are Important

Things in the tech world have changed drastically over the past few years. The new 5G network is in effect and information is being exchanged faster than ever before. One method that many people find to help with efficiency in their marketing is the use of a landing page.

Landing pages are great ways to help marketing and advertising campaigns. When marketing, the goal is to reach potential customers or subscribers. You want to find ways to reach people via demographics, location, or likes. This may sound simple, but taking into account how small differences make big changes, you have to cover all of your bases.

A standalone web page is all that a landing page is. In theory, the Unbounce Mailchimp relationship is all you need to take this to the next level. It consists of goals for you specific campaign or web page, and you will find goals that encourage you to explore further. Many tools like a call to action will help you to focus on the goals at hand. Don’t worry too much about the specifics right now, as we will cover those further on.

Why You Need Email Marketing

Unbounce Mailchimp marketing campaigns are more popular than you may know. The integration of the two make for a seamless way to reach the goals of your business. Unbounce Mailchimp keeps your users involved as you strive to create new leads.

One of the earliest marketing methods that were available on the internet is the method of email marketing. If you want to reach a large number of people effectively, you will want to utilize this tool to ensure you cover all of your bases. Don’t worry, it isn’t as hard to do as it may sound. When you think about communication, email takes what you want to convey and sends the message.

These messages in effect can be a simple correspondence, or a method of marketing. By sending email to customers and prospective customers, you create the chance to turn on-time buyers into repeat purchasers. This applies for any business, not just sales. One great way to raise awareness on anything that your website offers is by using email marketing.

If you learn how to build an email list full of potential customers, you will then be able to find out how well your campaigns are received. To get the best click-through rates (CTR), you need to find out how to best automate your email marketing process. A great way to do this is by integrating your email marketing platform with a site like Unbounce.

Unbounce Mailchimp Plan

What are Unbounce Mailchimp Integrations?

Unbounce is the number one choice of landing page platforms for many businesses across the world. If you want to convert more traffic, then you must understand how to create professional landing pages that get the job done. Don’t waste your time focusing on the particulars and try to get to work on learning more about the traffic you desire.

Featuring some of the best and most accurate analytics, Unbounce Mailchimp integrations will help you get the response that you are looking for. If your campaigns are not performing in the way that you expect, then some changes may be needed. One way to get the most out of the form builders is by selecting the most compatible for your business.

Compatibility is key and once you find the right methods to creating your campaign, things tend to get easier. No one knows how long certain campaigns should last, but by utilizing the Unbounce Mailchimp integration, you can find better ways to grow.

Some great features that Unbounce offers are:

  • SEO Management
  • Landing Page Creation
  • Analytics
  • Form Analytics
  • Real Time Editing
  • Responsive Elements


Looking for a way to create a high converting landing page on your website? There is no need to settle for just any plugin or template. Unbounce Mailchimp integrations have a builder that gives you the ability to create any page imaginable. Just think of your favorite layout, add your logo, and go. This ease of use is one way that Unbounce really helps the developer.

Worth noting, the builder is a very easy tool to optimize. Using tools like A/B testing, you get the ability to set up your page within minutes. This easy process has helped many people get their top results in less time than the competition.

There are over 100 responsive landing page templates and this allows you many customization opportunities. Color plays a major role in conversion rates and you want to make sure that you get it right the first time. You can swap in your own custom images and change the colors to your liking using this plugin.
Every single Unbounce landing page is responsive by default. This means that you can create beautifully designed landing pages that look great on desktop and mobile displays. The best part is that you don’t even have to learn code, another great reason to try Unbounce.


Website integration is simple and easy with the use of sites like Wordpress. The availability of so many compatible plugins allow the user the freedom to be creative. Your website is essentially where you want your traffic to land, so there must be engaging content that keeps their attention.

One way to get the best out of your website is to use landing pages from the start. A compelling email marketing campaign will give you the ability to reach users that you may not otherwise. Detailing your expectations will in turn create a slight edge when it comes to your competitions.

Staying on message is key, you must ensure that your website and landing pages are working together cohesively. You do not want a landing page for dog treats bringing someone to a website for train hobbyists. Ensuring that you do not send a mixed message is another great way to optimize potential engagements.

What is Unbounce Mailchimp Integrations

What is Unbounce?

The platform of choice for many different areas of business, Unbounce is one of the best ways to create your custom landing page. In the ecommerce space, this is a crucial method for sales, and analytics achievement. People find businesses which use landing pages are much more successful at conversion that companies that do not.

When you need a landing page that will produce conversions, you need to think about what it is that you need to achieve for your goals. The purpose of Unbounce is to make the entire marketing process easier than it would be using conventional methods. When companies look for the right builder to create beautiful and high-converting landing pages, Unbounce is the first choice.

Drag and Drop Building

The most responsive landing page builder in the business gives you what you need to make a successful internet marketing campaign. It doesn’t matter if you use Wordpress, or other site tools, you will enjoy how good your custom page performs. The available plugins also give users an edge in regard to professionalism.

Using a mobile responsive template takes your look to a new level. A standard marketing response may not cover the scope of your business. Mobile usages far outweighs desktop use in many cases, so you need to ensure that your page is optimized for this type of engagement.

To get started, you just need to follow these simple steps:

  • Search for the Unbounce landing page plugin in your WordPress account
  • After installation, select Unbounce Pages plugin, then authorize
  • You should see the list of Unbounce pages published to WordPress

Integrating Zapier With Unbounce

Working with apps like Slack and tools like Google Sheets, Unbounce has many integrations abilities There are ways that you can increase your productivity without breaking the bank, and in many cases these options do not require you to learn a single line of code.

If you need a way to increase your data transfer rates, then you will want to learn more about the Zapier integration. There are ways to automatically pass data from Unbounce to your remaining marketing stack by a simple addition.

How Zapier Can Help

The Zapier or “Zaps” integration gives you the ability to send leads and data to more places than ever before. There are 900+ integrations usable with Zapier and this is how you can increase your productivity.

When you send leads to other areas like webpages, you need to ensure that you track these conversions. Take into account that things can get a bit complicated when you have many access points that are all sending information. Keeping good analytics is a great way to form a strong backbone for any company.

Learning how to integrate Zapier with Unbounce gives you the ability to create automatic campaigns across all of your favorite tools. You can also try Zapier with Unbounce today and find out how well it works on your business. The free account allows you to set up new integrations on 5 landing pages and gives you up to 100 leads per month.

How Unbounce Mailchimp Helps

How Mailchimp Can Benefit You

No matter how much you network, you will not be able to avoid the inevitable slow period. Email marketing is a way to reach leads that would be nearly impossible otherwise. In this day and age, tools like Mailchimp are available to help you reach your goals with ease.

Introduction To Mailchimp

From the popular monkey logo, this tool is known worldwide for enabling users to increase their brand recognition via email marketing. If you need a great tool that helps you grown your business, it is good to know that sites like Mailchimp exist. If you have noticed email newsletters in your own inbox, there is a good chance that they are from a tool like Mailchimp.

Beginning as a simplified way to release email newsletters to an anticipating public, Mailchimp has grown tremendously over the years. This suite of tools allows you to break down your processes and apply automation to your email marketing campaigns. An automated campaign can benefit you in many ways. From lowering labor costs to increasing visibility, automated marketing gets the job done in many ways.

These basics are still great ways to increase your productivity in your workplace. Imagine if you had to type and create every single landing page that you sent out. If you are even a small company, this could translate to 100’s of messages that you would have to type from scratch. Mailchimp makes this process easier, so that you can get right down to taking care of all of those brand new conversions.

Creating An Account

Before you get going, you will need to create your user account for Mailchimp. This way you can begin the process of importing and associating the necessary contacts to grow your campaign. No one wants to spend tons of money on advertising and get a low conversion. Increase your goals by taking smart, simple steps to take on your tasks head on.

Importing your email lists is the next step in account creation. Before you can move on with your Unbounce/Mailchimp integration, you will need to create your email lists. Define these lists based on need, exposure, and rates. Rates of engagement will change based on your campaigns and more, so don’t stress over this step as much.

Last, but not least, you will need to look over the premade templates and more that you will want to use to incorporate within your newsletter. The difference between this and what you will do for Unbounce integration is easy to overlook. Although you will use builders for both, the Mailchimp is the newsletter creation step. After this you will move on to the later steps.

When your account is finally created, you will indeed need to learn more about the layout. Sometimes there is a learning curve, and it helps just to take time to get acquainted with the new tools. Before you get into layouts and creation, it would be good to read over the instructions, and even take a look at the available tutorial.

Newsletters, Landing Pages, eCommerce

The drag and drop creator gives new meaning to creative freedom. Your business needs a unique touch and the ability to do the drag and drop option opens up this in particular. This ensures that everything is up to par and that your new layouts fit the themes of the forthcoming website that users will be viewing. Don’t go overboard though, as in many cases, the best page is a simple page. When you follow sites like FCFVA, you will learn the importance of these layouts, as the conversion rates are through the roof thanks to Mailchimp and Unbounce.

If you are unable to source a list of people to email, there is no need to worry. Working with Mailchimp gives you the ability to find new, more efficient ways to accomplish these goals. Taking the time to use the landing page builder gives you even more options that we will discuss in later articles. Don’t worry, there are many eCommerce options as well.

Taking welcome messages, and even sending birthday emails can be a breeze when you use an automator like the tools available. Mailchimp gives users the freedom to create the best newsletters that show all of your products. When you build this rapport with customers, conversions follow. Shopping cart reminders are also a great way to let customers know that you care and it keeps them involved in your business.

The templates are very easy and before you know it you will have a large list of subscribers. In turn, your business will thank you for the increased results. There are many methods to success, but one tried and proven method is email marketing. Nothing comes close in terms of reach and conversion rates when compared to other methods.

Mailchimp Makes Marketing Easier

When was the last time you sat down and typed a full scale, multi-page email. Were there issues with getting the message out to subscribers? Don’t let this bring your numbers down any longer. There are reasons why Mailchimp is one of the top email marketing campaigns available to use today. They make the process relatively simple by giving users the key to their own creation.

The fun involved in email marketing is something that isn’t talked about that much. There is a reason for this, as many other options make email marketing more of a task than an integral part of success. Running a good online campaign is okay, but to beat the competition, you need to go above and beyond in this regard. Don’t worry, things will definitely get easier before they get any harder.

The tools and knowledge that Mailchimp provides users is bar none, there are free eBooks available and more. You need to have this step taken care of before you can move on to utilizing your Unbounce landing pages, so it is very important to go step by step.

Unbounce Mailchimp Ease of Use

Integrating Zapier With Mailchimp

Another great method to increase your success in email marketing is by integrating Mailchimp with Zapier. This allows you to create stunning campaigns that deliver the results that you desire. One way to ensure that your messages are relayed in the way that you see fit is by making sure that your tools compliment your efforts.

When you take into account the different audiences that are on social media, you will see that many of these audiences are broken down into specific groups. During a marketing campaign this is very important to the way that you want your campaign to run. Take the time to invest in the proper research before you take on the steps of integrating these tools.

Using these tools at the right time, the right way, will give you the best chance at turning those cold leads into major sales for your company. No one wants a choppy relationship with buyers or sellers, that leads to zero business. Using Zapier will ensure that you find the best methods in which to increase the various streams of communication needed for your marketing.

You can do more than create amazing landing pages and newsletters. If you take the right steps to increase your conversions using these tools, there are ways to integrate even more apps. Don’t let your wants outweigh your needs, keep things simple and use the best integrations for your needs.


Find new leads and subscriptions to your lists from Facebook Ads, Typeform, Clickfunnels, and many other apps. No longer must you continue to copy and paste your information, this is a quick and easy way to get rid of those hours of slow work!


You can update your database by finding news subscribers to add to your network . Anytime a new subscriber is added, you will get notified and the analytics will reflect those changes. Zapier works great with HubSpot, Salesforce and more, allowing you greater flexibility .


You can find help with any of these steps on the website. From getting help starting your new campaign to finding ways to keep subscribers updated, Zapier covers many of the bases that other companies tend to overlook.

Unbounce Mailchimp before you launch

Before You Launch Your Landing Page

If you have just created your landing page, then you will be excited to know that your marketing journey is one step closer to being complete. If you have everything looking the way that you like, there will be easier steps to come. There are many tips and tricks within Unbounce to help your page get prepped and allow you to increase the span of your campaign.

There are many steps to check just to ensure that you have taken care of everything needed along the way. Missing one of these steps can cause you to find yourself in a bit of a pickle. Don’t rush and just take a breath.


The beginning of your landing page starts with setting up and connecting your domain. This will be discussed, but it is an integral part of the landing page setup. If you have a custom url, this will lead to an issue if not taken care of in the initial phase. Testing lead integration will take your landing page to another level along with the ability to test your javascript integration. When you take the steps necessary to create the right landing page, your customers will thank you with clicks.

Trust us, this is not going to be easy, as it is a task learning what people are interested in. Don’t jump into creation mode without a plan. Take the time out to learn what you want from your conversions and then your plan will be much easier to create.

Setting Up Domain And URL

Establishing an online presence for your business is quick and easy. All you need to do is come up with a great name that you want to use for your domain. No matter whether you are looking for ways to make your brand more solid, or increase exposure, domains are a key ingredient.

The importance of a domain name is one of the main reasons you need to think of a good one. This is the first thing that visitors to your website will see, and this gives users a lasting impression on what your site is all about. From SEO to brand definition, the right name can take your business to new heights or cause you to fail from the start.

Defining your brand is a reason why Unbounce, and Mailchimp are so important to business owners. These tools allow brands to take their sales to new heights and give customers new ways to engage with great content.

Before choosing your new domain name, you must find out if the name that you want is still available. Perform a quick google search and see if the name that you plan on using isn’t being used by another person. Once you finish this step, you can proceed to registration and creating your website.

URLs can be nearly any length, and there are many different sites that offer hosting for you to take advantage of. Don’t miss out on any free webinars or videos about web design if you are new to the process of creating a website. Learning before starting can save you hundreds of development hours, so study wisely.

Tracking Conversions

The success of your landing page rests solely on the ability to track using your Unbounce account. Unbound Mailchimp relationships are a great method to increase your sales, while learning how to convert leads properly. Take the conversion goal of your choice and think about whether or not it is an achievable goal in your particular campaign idea.

Once you set your conversion goals, you can then proceed to track them . Tracking conversions is just what it sounds like, a way to keep note of how your campaigns are converting users. You can set and track multiple goals and it is generally best to have many of these.

When it comes to external conversion tracking, you can track these on pages other than your Unbounce landing page. While you can embed the tracking script on the target conversion page, there are other ways to do it as well. If you are using your Unbounce landing page to drive online purchases, there may be times that it doesn’t happen on that page.

Everytime a visitor visits the landing page of your Unbounce account, the script will do a cookie search. You need to make sure that your pages and conversion pages are on the same domain so that these tracking cookies can be read. If you don’t ensure that both pages have the same domain then your numbers won’t reflect the proper elements.

Simple And Easy Integration Unbounce/Mailchimp

Automatically capture your leads and start gathering new conversions with an Unbounce landing page. The email marketing and landing pages allow for a full scale marketing plan that will help your investments meet the goals that you have set.

Turning clicks into sales, and integration are one in the same when you think about it. You need to get those viewers to click on your page in order to gain sales. Trust is a major factor when selling a product, so remember to use professionalism in your #designthinking. Finding the right niche is not as easy as it may seem, as many sales professionals know that a certain level of skill is needed.

Once you have the right methods, you can then maximize your Unbounce Mailchimp integration. The way that teams are able to work together the way that they do is by synchronizing the hardest jobs. Take advantage of the many tools here that can help you increase profitability and more.

How Integrating With Unbounce Helps Your Business

When you take your business to new heights, your sales numbers will reflect that. Many changes occur when a task is implemented with new hope of achieving the mark. Don’t worry about how long it will take, there are step by step processes that cannot be skipped in certain instances. Take into account how many “brands” are selling products across social media.

When you take your business to the next level, you give your company the opportunity to succeed with ease. Don’t wait for the competition to get the best tools and results. Take the time to research ways that integration can help your business. Tools like Unbounce simply make monotonous tasks very easy.

Sending out hundreds of emails a day used to take an entire team of individuals, but now with the integration of Unbounce, you can push data from landing pages into your Mailchimp lists. Once you do this, information gets saved and kept within the encrypted respective systems.

No longer do you need a team of graphic artists, and typists to get out your emails. Tools like these allow users to create new waves of content in a matter of minutes and get it out to the masses. Take the time to learn how the Unbounce Mailchimp integration can help your business today.

Turning Email Clicks Into Sales

After you create your trustworthy website, look to find a good function and you will need to ensure usability. There are many requirements for a store to be successful online, and skipping any of these could hurt you in the long run.

To get the best out of your email campaign, your site must have:

  • An easy to navigate layout
  • Design that is attractive and good to look at
  • Color Schemes that will fit the mood you want to convey
  • A fast loading site that doesn’t crash when you visit it
  • Convenience of order placement
  • Contact information and forms for feedback

Before creating your store, you should test out how well your design actually works. An Unbounce Mailchimp integration is pointless if your website cannot handle the traffic that you receive. This step by step process is a tried and true method of creating real business leads that convert.

The relevance of landing pages give users the feel that everything is cohesive. You don’t want to waste a good website with a subpar landing page, or vice versa. Check the relevance of your landing pages with the subsequent ad campaigns. If the texts do not reflect the content of the pages, ads must be improved to increase their overall relevance.

There are elements that drive conversions way up. Don’t think for a moment that these small steps are not important to the overall health of your campaign. By using call-to-action buttons, these graphic elements will help users make a specific action. Easy to notice buttons are good to place in the background for users to find.

Lead generation is another way that users can become conversions. Contact information helps you gain new subscribers and potential sales. Sometimes offering discounts or gifts can help with lead collection. Once you have collected these leads, you should have an easier time making your sales later!

Total Integration For Marketing

Develop your unique selling proposition. By using the Unbound Mailchimp integration, you can find out how special offers can help you reach the demographics that you need. If you want to reach out to an unknown group, sometimes these USPs can mean the difference between a cold lead and a hot sale.

Special offers, discounts, sales, and more are great ways to increase your site’s visibility and really take your Unbounce landing page to new heights. Many advertising campaigns need one USP that can be profitable. Don’t worry about whether or not you have the right one developed as some of the most simple offers can convert leads.

Giving discounts and sales will help you rise above the competition. The Unbound Mailchimp integration is just the beginning to how you will run a successful marketing campaign. Take your time to learn your audience, and with proper planning you can reach new heights!

