Unbounce Landing Pages

Purpose of Landing Pages

Excuse Me
11 min readJun 11, 2021


Digital marketers create this type of page as a standalone web page required for all effective advertising and marketing campaigns. You can place your ads in numerous places including emails, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Bing and Twitter. All of your ads contain a link. When a potential customer clicks on your link, they are redirected to your landing page.

If the quality of your page is poor, the chance of your visitor making a purchase decreases. Unbounce enables you to create effective, high-quality pages to enhance the appeal of your products or services. Your page should encourage potential customers necessary for further exploration and contain a CTA or call to action. The best pages are created with a specific goal in mind.

You will use these types of pages at every stage of your inbound marketing campaigns. Your pages are critical to introducing your target audience to both your brand and your products or services. The purpose is to take a lead and complete the conversion process necessary for a paying customer. During the purchasing process, your pages will provide potential customers with everything they need to know.

As the customer follows the steps you have created on your page, all of their questions are answered. By the time they reach your CTA, there should be a good chance your visitor will want to make a purchase. According to Your text to link…, you can reach numerous objectives through your pages. Since the marketing goals of every business are slightly different, Unbounce offers you the ability to create many different types of pages for your marketing campaigns including:

Lead Generating Landing Pages

Your lead generation pages are intended to take your targeted website visitor through the process of turning a lead into a paying customer by obtaining certain information including:

• Name
• Email address
• Company name
• Job title
• Phone number
• Social media profile
• Company size

Unbounce Landing Pages

Using Landing Pages

Unbounce recommends using the following steps to help ensure you receive the best benefits possible from your landing pages.

Focusing on the CTA

The focus of your visitors should be placed on your CTA as opposed to any of your other page content. For certain campaigns, using long-form copy can successfully increase your conversions as much as 260 percent. In this instance, your CTA needs to be placed above the fold to be easily seen by new visitors,

Keeping Your Pages Simple

Other than an explainer page, your copy should be short and simple. Your goal is getting your visitors to read and understand the information the take action. You do not want them distracted by unnecessary designs, functionality or copy. Keep your pages simple.

The Importance of Testing

Optimizing your pages requires a lot of testing. To make certain your campaign delivers excellent results, you should run tests for the best headline and where to place your inquiry form. Unbounce provides you with access to A/B testing to improve your campaign.

Value is Essential

Your visitors will not take action if you do not provide them with value. You need to determine what your target audience is looking for, then provide it on your page.

Using Video

Capturing the attention of your visitors is extremely important. For this reason, using video on your page can increase your conversions as much as 86 percent.

Creating an Unbounce Landing Page

Unbounce stands out for many reasons including the extreme ease of use. If you know how to use a drag and drop builder, you will not have any issues with Unbounce. The steps to create your landing page are available below and at Your text to link….

Step One

Go to the Unbounce website at the address above and sign up for your free trial. Once complete, log into your Unbounce account.

Step Two

Look in the corner on the upper left of your screen for a green button labeled Create New. Click on the button to begin creating a new page. You can select sticky bars or popups to choose your desired content type.

Step Three

Choose your landing pages templates then begin editing. You can start with a template or a blank page. Selecting landing pages templates is a simpler option. Once your template has been selected, click on the Start with this Template button located in the lower right corner of your screen to start editing your new page.

Step Four

Use the icons located in the corner on your left to start customizing your template. You can change several elements including text and background image. If you do not know the purpose of an icon, hovering your cursor over it will bring up a popup with a full description. These tools enable you to add a wide range of options including text, embedded videos and social media widgets. You can also use the tools for:

• Adding buttons for an actionable and strong CTA
• Editing your background photo
• Finalizing or adding a photo of your own
• Adjusting your background colors

Step Five

You can make your page unique by clicking on an item to add elements. When you click, look at the sidebar on the right for the item’s properties. Do not be overwhelmed by the editing button because it is simple to use. All you have to do is click on the button to perform the following actions.

• Changing the size
• Changing the text
• Amending the color
• Removing or adding a link

Step Six

Once you have made all of the changes you want, click on the blue button marked Save located in the corner on the upper right of your screen.

Step Seven

Look on your top navigation bar on the left side then click on the page name. You can change the name to anything you want. This will be the name of your landing pages templates.

Step Eight

You are now redirected to a dashboard. Once there, you can:

• Make adjustments to your URL
• Begin creating A/B testing versions
• Integrate with your marketing software and other email programs

If you need assistance with these processes, the comprehensive support material is available online through Unbounce.

Step Nine

When you are satisfied with your results, look in the top right corner of your dashboard for the blue button labeled Publish. Clicking this button will publish your pages.

Unbounce Features

In addition to landing pages templates, you receive a wide range of great features with Unbounce. The specific features you receive are dependent on which package you select. This is partly why Unbounce offers you a free trial period. The key offering of Unbounce is the ability to use the drag and drop builder. Learn more about Unbounce features by visiting Your text to link….

The Unbounce page builder enables you to create landing pages without having to write code. You have a variety of options including adding buttons, text, social widgets and videos. There are a lot of options for customizing each feature including adjusting color, text size, and font in addition to adding links. You can add alt descriptions and metadata as well.

The Unbounce tool is not only extremely powerful but easy to use for the vast majority of people. No matter which Unbounce package you have selected, you will receive all of the features listed below.

• 75 minimum published pages per month
• Minimum of eight published sticky bars and popups
• Unlimited domains and users
• SSL encryption
• Mobile optimized pages
• Access to over 100 landing pages templates
• Help with PPC through dynamic text replacement
• GDPR compliance
• Unsplash stock photo library

In addition to all of the above features, you will receive the following from all Unbounce standard plans.

Universal Functionalities

Usable features are included with all Unbounce plans. The platform was designed with both coalescence and flexibility in mind.

Platform Integrations

Unbounce platform integration for all plans includes:

• WordPress
• Infusion Software
• HubSpot
• Zoho CRM

Unbounce provides you with 106 different integration options. This includes a variety of email tools such as:

• Active Campaign
• MailChimp
• AWeber
• Constant Contact
• Campaign Monitor

GDPR Compliance

All Unbounce pages have been created for GDPR compliance.

Client Resources and Support

The Unbounce help center is filled with a tremendous amount of self-help resources. Documentation is available by topics including integrations, getting started, eCourses and community. The design of the help center makes it easy to find answers for your questions simply by using the search function. You can find the answer to nearly every possible question you may have.

IP Filters

You can use the IP filters function for filtering out known IP addresses. This enables viewing of your pages without causing any issues with your tracking. This is a good way to keep your conversion data accurate and clean.

SSL Encryption

The lock icon for every Unbounce page is displayed in your URL bar. Your data will remain secure through HTTPS.

Landing Pages

The landing page builder features a drag and drop builder. Even if you are a beginner, you can use this tool for creating landing pages. You do not require specialized design software or need to write any code. You also receive more than 100 landing pages templates.

Sticky Bars and Popups

Unbounce provides you with a sticky bar and popup builder for boosting your conversions. When you use them effectively, you can significantly increase your conversion rates.

Triggers and Targeting

You decide who is able to view your popups and when and how they are triggered. You can use dynamic text replacement to dynamically swap your content according to the keywords used by your visitors.

Smart Traffic

Smart traffic is an exceptional conversion tool backed by the power of artificial intelligence. The attributes of your visitors are viewed automagically for direction to your most relevant landing page. The attributes considered by the algorithm include the user’s device and location to determine the most effective variation of your page.

More than 100 Landing Pages Templates

Unbounce provides you with more than 100 landing pages templates to enable your pages to be created from scratch.

Full Control

Every pixel detail can be customized to eliminate limitations when your branding is added. For more details visit Your text to link….

Drag and Drop Builder

You can customize, remove or add any part of your pages with a few clicks.

14-Day Free Trial

You can access every feature of the Unbounce plan you choose during your free trial with no restrictions. You are not obligated to continue your service after your trial period. Unbounce offers you great discounts on its official website when you sign up for your free trial.

Reports and Stats

You have access to a large variety of stats and reports regarding the performance of your page including:

• Traffic
• Generated leads
• Conversions
• Views

Edit and Clone

You can save valuable time by editing and duplicating your best-performing pages for new campaigns.

Fast Publishing

Your landing pages can be published quickly to your WordPress website or custom domain by using plugins available through Unbounce. Landing pages templates are available to begin your customization for your unique needs. You can increase your design process speed even more by editing and cloning entire pages. Your templates can be saved for the future by copying and pasting.

Scheduling Campaigns

Your campaigns can be scheduled to run automatically to ensure the most relevant promotions are always being shown.

Copy and Paste

Your elements can be copied and pasted from one page to another, eliminating the need to recreate them from scratch.

AI Optimization

In many instances, just 50 visits are necessary for the AI algorithm from Unbounce to begin optimization.

Speed Boost

The best practices of Page Speed from Google are included automatically to ensure your pages load quickly.

Automatic SSL Encryption

SSL encryption is automatic with Unbounce.

Automated CRO

You do not have to wait for statistical significance to be achieved through testing to increase your conversions.

A/B Testing

Your sticky bars and landing pages can be tested to determine what is working. The A/B testing center tracks:

• Conversion rates
• Conversions
• Views
• Visitors

Google Single Sign-On

You can use the email address Unbounce assigned to your business to sign in.


Your data remains secure through the Unbounce system.

Premium Unbounce Features

Several additional features are available if you have the Unbounce Enterprise or Premium plan. Although some of them are not as effective for small businesses, they become very important as the company achieves growth including:

• More published sticky bars and popups. Enterprise accounts receive over 375 and Premium accounts a maximum of 150.

• Multiple clients are managed easily for your client sub-accounts.

• You can schedule your popups

• More integrations with both Salesforce and Marketo.

• AMP landing pages lightning fast using Google’s AMP framework.

• Two-factor identification is available provided you have a single password and a trusted device available.

Specifically for Enterprise Customers

If you have the Unbounce Enterprise plan, you receive exclusive access and additional features including:

• Automatic backups for audit logs
• Savings as high as hundreds of dollars every month
• Advanced targeting for sticky bars and popups
• Ability to schedule your sticky bar launches
• Dedicated launch specialist
• Two-factor authentication
• Page migration services
• Page redirects
• Customer success manager
• A ticket to the annual Call to Action Conference available through Unbounce

To learn more about the extensive features offered for your Unbounce Enterprise plan visit Your text to link….

Platform and Unbounce Security

Data security is incredibly important for every online business. Unbounce takes security extremely seriously. Unbounce has established a set of attributes to ensure the data for your account and your visitors remain secure.

The Bottom Line

If you are interested in boosting your conversion rates, Unbounce provides you with a complete solution for marketing. Even if you are just now learning technical skills, you can create excellent pages for your website. I find Unbounce is impressive for many reasons including placing its focus on a landing builder, concentrating on the performance of its software and putting the security of its clients first.

Unbounce gives you the ability to protect the details of your customer’s payments and data from hackers while you are building pages necessary for a high conversion rate. The extensive Unbounce features enable the creation and building of exceptional pages. This can increase your conversions substantially. I recommend the Unbounce platform for anyone seriously interested in running a successful website and achieving growth.

I recommend starting with the free trial offered by Unbounce. Unbounce offers you the ability to become successful no matter what size or type of business you are currently running. The best part is Unbounce will grow with your business.

