Beginners guide to contributing to Sustainable Development Goals

Janhavi Karkera
5 min readJul 5, 2018



We are all living in a world where we want to contribute towards making a difference. However, we all have one major excuse for not doing what we should. There’s no rocket science to this, it’s simple — we’re all lazy. We fail to recognize that our actions can impact lives and our choices can bring impact the world for better. The actions you take, the things you buy, the way you think, how you interact with your friends and family, and the vacations you take, it all matters. We do know it matter to you and we do know that you wonder how to go about it.

In such cases, it’s extremely important to guide and educate ourselves and our peers. So here we are, with a simple list of ways in which you can contribute to sustainable development.

First up, the sustainable development goals (SDGs), a universal set of goals, objectives and indicators that UN member states are expected to use to frame their agendas and political policies over the next 15 years. As complicated as it sounds, it’s extremely simple to follow some of the ideas that involve these goals.

Let’s take a look at some of the goals that you can achieve in your daily life:

1. Clean Water and Sanitation — SDG 6

As per a UNICEF report, around the world, about 1 billion people lack access to potable water and more than 1.6 billion lack access to improved forms of sanitation — even something as simple and basic as a pit latrine. The risk to water supplies posed by over-consumption and pollution across the world and the fact that water is a cross-cutting issue that impacts all SDGs: without access to adequate quantities and qualities of water, society comes to a standstill.

SDG Compass

Some of the steps that you can follow in support of this SDG:

  • Be careful with your water usage, something as simple as taking short(er) showers.
  • Lessen the usage of water for occasions of lower importance
  • Try to maintain the sanity of water resources

2. Reduced Inequalities — SDG 10

Inequalities based on gender, age, ethnicity, class, race, sexuality and religion continue to be one of the world’s most persistent problems. These inequalities have been affecting us irrespective of where we are from. Hence, it’s imperative to support the empowerment of the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion or economic or another status.

SDG Compass

Some of the steps that you can follow in support of this SDG:

• Don’t be critical to dissimilarities instead have an open-minded approach.
• Embrace the differences and learn from people different than you, everyone has a story to tell after all
• Make an effort to understand and learn each other, empathize with them

3. Responsible consumption and production — SDG 12

We often look to manufacturers (i.e. producers) to provide the sustainability solution. However, we, as consumers play an important role in this cycle too. While consumers have little control over the sustainable production of products and services, we can be advocates in other ways too, by substantially reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

SDG Compass

Some of the steps that you can follow in support of this SDG:

· Donate what you don’t use — clothes, books, furniture, food! By donating you also contribute to other goals aiming towards no poverty, zero hunger and reduced inequalities. One of the most amazing brands in Melbourne, Beekeeper Parade, also accepts donations in the form of clothes that are eventually up-cycled and used to create backpacks. You can read more about their work here.

· Shop second-hand or shop limited.

· Use sustainable options in your daily life, for example, reusable water bottles, coffee cups, reusable straws and cutlery etc.

· Avoid plastic in any form, shape or size. If you try to make an effort you will succeed at it.

· Recycle as much as you can.

· Education yourself on working conditions of the brand you purchase.

These three basic goals can only be achieved through simple actions. However, that’s not the only way to contribute to SDGs. There are some more basic steps that one can follow to be aware and mindful of these goals.

Get Educated

It’s important to understand why each one matters to you and the world. Watch this short video by the United Nations to understand how these SDGs affect our lives and the world.

Change Your Mindset

Before you can build any change in the world, you must first change your perspective of the world. Treating SDGs as a theoretical concept would only generate lack of information, it is important to remember that these goals affect everyone. The more you consider these SDGs as crucial the better will your conscious act towards it.

Educate Others

Once you have learned more about the SDGs, it is important to inform others. The more people you get to actively think and work on the goals, the more feasible it is to make real progress. You can easily raise awareness via word of mouth or through social media channels.

Live Conscientiously

You can easily find ways to “do less harm” in your day-to-day, while also “doing more good”. Google has the answer to everything today!

So, are you all set to make that big move in your life? Feel free to drop in more suggestions by commenting below on how we could contribute towards the SDGs.

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Janhavi Karkera

Master of Global Media Communication at The University of Melbourne | Specializes in Communication for Development and Social Impact