Generation Launch: Kickstarting Inclusion in Victoria’s Startup Eco-System, One Workshop at a Time

On March 26th, Unbound launched an innovative new program to foster the next generation of successful high-growth business ventures run by migrants, refugees & asylum seekers in Victoria.

Kaia Myers-Stewart
3 min readMar 31, 2018


We’re excited to announce that Unbound has officially kicked off Generation Launch, a new initiative that aims to open the door to Victoria’s thriving startup ecosystem for newcomers to Australia.

The program, which received $322,500 from LaunchVic to run a number of workshops and events in 2018 and 2019 is one of several organisations to receive funding from LaunchVic’s third round, which focuses on increasing refugee and migrant participation in the Victorian startup ecosystem. Other funding recipients include YGAP, FreetoFeed, and Hatchquarter.

Pictured: Unbound Founder and CEO Julian O’Shea and LaunchVic CEO Dr. Kate Cornick at last week’s Generation Launch kickoff event.

The Generation Launch program aims to address unique challenges facing migrant entrepreneurs including limited experience and networks in their local context.

“The goal of Generation Launch is to combine education with strategic relationship building that will provide refugees, migrants, and other new Australians the skills and opportunities they’ll need to launch their ventures within the Victorian startup community,” explains Julian O’Shea, who is the Founder and CEO of Unbound.

The program builds on Unbound’s current work in the education space, which involves the delivery of innovative, multi-disciplinary overseas education programs to Australian university students.

The Generation Launch program will embed entrepreneurial content and skills into existing educational programs, most notably with local universities and VET institutions. One of the core parts of the program will connect students with local startups as a chance to gain experience and insights into the local ecosystem.

Pictured: Participants of Unbound’s recent Generation Launch workshop “Design Thinking Skills for Innovation” showcase their favourite pose!

LaunchVic CEO, Dr. Kate Cornick said LaunchVic was working hard in many areas of its activity to shine a light on diversity and inclusion and the importance of it in the Victorian startup ecosystem.

“We are thrilled to be supporting Unbound, and look forward to hearing how participant in the program making an impact in Victoria through their startup ventures.”

The Generation Launch program will encompass knowledge-building workshops that will support startups to launch; intensives to build practical skills; educational programs in collaboration with institutions to embed startup skills; and networking events to encourage and connect startup entrepreneurs into the community. One of the recent workshops showcased women CEOs and Founders from refugee backgrounds as part of an event for International Women’s Day.

Pictured: The fantastic panelists from Unbound’s inaugural Generation Launch Event, “The Business of Resilience, Refugee Women in Small Business”, delivered in partnership with the ASRC Entrepreneurs Program. From Left to Right: Joanna Stuart (MC), Loretta Boltin (Co-Founder, FreetoFeed), Bic Walker (Founder and Creative Director, SketchMill), Afadang Akuey, (representing Twich Women’s Sewing Collective) and Luz Restrepo (CEO and Founder of SisterWorks).

Upcoming events include an inclusive hackathon as part of Melbourne Knowledge Week and a major event, Unbound Ideas, in August.

“We’re excited to see the next generation of successful global entrepreneurs make their mark from right here in Victoria,” said Julian O’Shea.

You can learn more about the program and check out upcoming events by visiting

Visit to learn more about Unbound’s local and international innovative education projects!



Kaia Myers-Stewart

I work for Unbound, an Australian social enterprise established to develop and deliver innovative, sustainable overseas educational programs.