
The Lab

The network was formed of five participants from the UK, five from India and one from Uganda, plus teams from Invisible Flock and Quicksand, who met and explored mutual connections during the four day Lab and at UnBox 2019. Four days working together in advance of the festival resulted in a number of separate outputs for the festival in varying forms, eg workshops, installations, participatory experiences, essays etc. Relationships and collaborations were built through mutual interests and areas of focus, naturally facilitated during the first day of the lab.

Invisible Flock and Quicksand also worked together during the same time period on a new project, mirroring the same process of development. Earth Tones is an environmental installation, created from mapped ecosystems and landscapes, questioning how we communicate complex environmental data in a way that audiences can not only understand but can build a relationship with.

Installation by Invisible Flock

The Facilitators

Invisible Flock and Quicksand have developed a strong collaborative relationship over the last 4 years, meeting first at the UnBox Labs, Ahmedabad in 2014. Together we have created large-scale projects that connect India and the UK, including Duet; an app, an interactive web platform and a series of outdoor public artworks and Aurora; a large-scale, immersive experience about our global relationship to water.

The successes of our collaboration have been through the building of creative working methodologies that maintain core values of respect, mutual interest and friendship. Our collective ability to effectively share skills and communicate across continents has enabled us to create ambitious and innovative artworks together.

Both Invisible Flock and Quicksand work across multiple contexts and adjacent sectors, including education, design, urban planning and healthcare — sharing a belief in the advocation of digital practice and the importance of working collaboratively to understand the process and risks associated with technology.



UnBox Cultural Futures Society
UnBox Lab 2019 : Edges and Contours

UnBox is a festival & platform celebrating action at the intersections of different disciplines. #Art #Culture #Design