Unboxed signed partnership deal with major Asian Accelerator MOX

Vejune from Unboxed
Inside Unboxed Network
3 min readAug 15, 2018


SOSV accelerators are some of the most selective in the world, with less than 5% acceptance rate. But the lucky few that get in really feel the benefit. They are provided with intensive, long term training, access to their investment partners’ network and expertise, specialised on-site support from industry experts, over 800 global mentors, and introductions to corporate partnerships and an alumni of over 1500 founders around the globe.

Unboxed is proud to announce that it will be participating in one of these accelerator programs — MOX.

MOX — the Mobile Only Accelerator — was set up to help the best mobile startups from around the world acquire millions of users in Southeast Asia, India, Eastern Europe and South America. MOX brings free user acquisition to the 167 million users on its smartphone platform, as well as investment in return for revenue share and equity. Their strategic partnership kicks off with a two-month accelerator program where MOX provides 50–150k users to localize the app and optimize retention and monetization market by market.

The first global accelerator in Taiwan, MOX is operated by SOSV — an Accelerator VC — a venture fund with $300M assets under management that invests through seven accelerators in startups from around the world.

Unboxed CBDO, Donatas Smailys is certain the MOX/Unboxed partnership will deliver huge benefits to the Unboxed community.

Unboxed CEO Tadas Deksnys, MOX Managing Director William Bao Bean and Unboxed CBDO Donatas Smailys

“ During our recent trip to Asia, we met a lot of interesting people and had a lot of exciting discussions about potential partnerships. We shortlisted the partnerships we thought would deliver the best mutual outcomes, and are delighted today to announce that we have signed an agreement with SOSV MOX. This will allow us to speed up and maximise the growth, reach and results of the Unboxed network.

SOSV is investing in the Unboxed Network and we have signed a partnership with SOSV MOX acceleration program, giving us access to a huge new community of startups.

As we promised — we are in this for the long run, and we are committed to building the best product we can. For us, our token sale isn’t just about fundraising. You need to build a community and an ecosystem and give meaning to it by empowering it through a working token economy. It’s about doing everything to make it work and we are doing this.

This new strategic partnership with deliver greater growth and real practical value to our token’s utility within the network.”

Watch this space as we hope to have more exciting announcements in the coming weeks.

