360 Degrees of Action Framework: A Guide To Become A Better Leader

Why leaders don’t get relevant feedback, and here is how to fix it

Tarun Kohli
Unboxing Product Management


A lot of people aspire to be leaders. Ahh…The joy of moving up the ladder, the excitement of leading teams, the perceived perks of power, and the thought of making an impact seduces people into this role.

But, let me break your reverie.

Becoming a leader is not as glamorous as you might think. At least, not in the beginning. You find yourself lamenting about your new role and inflicted with the misery-of-a-new-manager syndrome after a few days of taking on the position.

Even when you get settled in the leadership role, it’s like living inside a bubble of loneliness.

Though leadership is glorified as the social glue that holds a team together, but the reality of the corporate hierarchy never lets a leader be “one of the guys.”

This is not that depressive kind of loneliness but more like teetering on the edge of corporate-social oblivion.

You not only get isolated in the social realm but your professional growth starts to get stymied too.

Why? Because prior to you becoming a leader, you were an individual contributor, and your immediate manager was…

