Five Books to Read for a More Successful Year

Tia Morrill
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2018

“Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it.”

-Warren Buffet

2018 has been dubbed the Year of Discipline, and I couldn’t be more on board with it.

Overall, one of the most potent habits that successful people adopt is a reading one.

The best thing about reading in this day and age is that books are more accessible than ever. With apps like Audible, you can increase your reading by merely listening while you clean, drive, and even during your morning shower.

I’d like to share a couple of the most impactful and profound books that I’ve read this year with you in hopes that it can amp up your productivity and give you insight into how to successfully get what you want out of life:

1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

The Power of Habit is on quite a few lists as one of the best books in recent years and for good reason; I recommend it so much partially because of how well it was written.

Reading The Power of Habit felt as close to fiction regarding captivating my attention as any non-fiction book can get, with countless fascinating studies shared in great detail on the subject of habit throughout. I never imagined a book on something as mundane as habit could be so entertaining.

This book teaches you everything that you need to know about the science of habits and also explains ways in which they can be hacked to transform your life, through adopting what the author calls “keystone habits” (i.e., exercise, financial planning, etc.), which when done consistently, change other habits in your life more fluidly as a result.

2. Principles by Ray Dalio

A more serious, yet compelling read, Principles reads like a crash course in how to operate a business that grows and is not to be missed for anyone looking to get into a truly successful person’s mind.

Billionaire Ray Dalio lays out the process behind his driving principles for the world to see, and his viewpoints on radical truth and transparency changed the way I thought of our inner workings at Levie. Additionally, the intimate details of how he came to understand and cope with his son’s bipolar disorder were surprisingly human and touching.

I resonated with the idea of a focus on removing yourself and your emotions from the company equation by attempting to look at your problems objectively. Lean into criticism, while seeking your truth, or I should say — the ultimate truth.

3. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

I just want to start by saying that Angela Duckworth is an absolute badass. There aren’t too many books in the areas of business or self-help written by women, and Angela sets the bar for how to do it right.

Heavily researched and intelligent, yet concise and actionable, this book takes hold and teaches you to be “grittier,” something desperately needed in today’s economic landscape.

Success is not for those who bore easily or quit when challenges arise, but for those who consistently perfect their craft day in and day out for many years, with passion and perseverance above all.

4. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

Not to be corny, but this book changed my life.

I read it shortly after reading another famous book by Dale Carnegie you most certainly have heard of, How to Win Friends and Influence People. After completing it, I couldn’t help but miss Dale’s spirited way of writing and stumbled upon this lesser known book.

I have to say, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living affected so many aspects of the way I view life, including the onset of illnesses and why spirituality matters for success and fulfillment in life.

Every single human on earth should read this right now, and we would all be so much better off for it.

5. Siddhartha’s Brain: Unlocking the Ancient Science of Enlightenment by James Kingsland

This book altered the way that I think about meditation. There is so much more to the practice of meditation and how it shapes and rewires our brains than I ever could have imagined.

This book is based heavily on research and proven studies, which spoke to me much more profoundly than ones based heavily on ambiguous spirituality. It shows you how meditation will change your life, especially if you are someone who suffers from a mental health issue (who doesn’t have one today?).

Siddhartha’s Brain is an absolute must-read for anyone looking for more balance, inner peace, and a better sense of overall well-being.

I hope you enjoy these selections and I know that if you make time for reading, transformation in so many aspects of your life will start to unlock and take shape without you even realizing it.

