John Wayne Gacy: The Devil Who Was NOT In Disguise.

Five Times the Serial Killer Should Have Been Caught.

Quinn Zane


John Wayne Gacy dressed as Pogo the Clown — Image from the Peacock documentary, “The Devil In Disguise”.

There are few devils in life as obvious as John Wayne Gacy.

At age 26, in 1968, Gacy was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the rape and assault of a fifteen-year-old, Donald Vorhees. He should have served his time and been monitored regularly upon his release and, after that, the Chicago Police Department should have noticed the number of young men who went missing, one after the other, all after having talked to a local contractor while seeking employment.

The dots were not hard to connect and the devil was not in disguise.

John Wayne Gacy was not some stealthy serial killer who studied the art of forensic science and eluded capture by varying his victims, changing his modus operandi, and being active in different locations. Gacy chose victims all of the same age and gender, killed them all in the same way after luring them all in the same way, and then sat his flatulent ass in Chicago for years, as obvious as the smell of decomposition that was emanating from his house.

John Wayne Gacy should have been caught years before he was apprehended. He was not a criminal mastermind, he just knew who the police cared about and who they didn’t— what victims would be noticed…

