Murder in Piedmont Park — Justice for Katie and Bowie

Quinn Zane
Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2021


Katie Janness and her beloved dog Bowie, moments before their murders (Atlanta Police Department)

A ghost is haunting Piedmont Park. He’s a friendly ghost. You can feel him brush up against you as night settles down and the heat of an August day in Georgia begins to evaporate. The fog moves in and you can feel his cold nose touch behind your knee, just for a moment. He’s a good boy. He wants you to know he is there with you. He wants you to be safe.

His name was Bowie.

Bowie and Katie Janness

The last picture of Bowie and his mom, Katie, shows them walking across an intersection at 10th and Piedmont that had been painted into a rainbow in honor of Pride month. One long block later, the two entered Piedmont Park at the entrance on Charles and Piedmont, and that is where their bodies were found.

When a beloved dog dies, many of us dog-mommies take some comfort in imagining a rainbow bridge where our furbaby will wait for us on the other side, but if we cross that bridge together with our dog — if our dog gave his life to protect us —well, a dog that loyal doesn’t go anywhere until there is justice for his mommy.

