Stabber of Hearts — Jodi Arias & The Murder of Travis Alexander

Quinn Zane
Published in
15 min readAug 29, 2021


Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander — Image from Facebook

She had a dream of what her future would be — the perfect marriage to a financially successful husband and a big and beautiful house in the suburbs. As soon as she had those things, Jodi Arias knew that she would be happy.

It had seemed, for all of her life, that she had been thwarted by others when she came close to making the perfect smile on her face real. But nothing would stand in her way this time — not now, not with him.

As the man approached her outside of the Rainforest Cafe in Las Vegas in September 2006, Jodi Arias took a deep breath. This was it — he was it — the moment and the man that she had been waiting for.

In September of 2006, Jodi Arias had been in a relationship with Darryl Brewer for a few years. Although they’d had their happy times together, he did not share her goals. He had told her from the beginning that he did not want to get married again — he was divorced — and his priority was staying near to his ex-wife so that he could share custody of their son with her. His son was his priority, not his girlfriend. Darryl was almost twenty years older than Jodi and they had met when he was her manager at a restaurant in California.

Darryl and Jodi had bought a house together and Jodi had worked two waitress jobs to make her half of the…

