Cold weather is finally here… sadly.

William Faucette
UNC Charlotte Intramural Sports
1 min readNov 14, 2019

This week, a cold front brought some very chilled air across Charlotte and the east coast. The weather conditions weren’t ideal for intramural sports but teams were ready and waiting for their chances to play flag football and 3 on 3 basketball. Referees and participants both wore layers upon layers of clothing, trying to stay as warm as possible. I had the chance to be out at NRFC this week to supervise the games and boy was it chilly.

A question I kept getting was, “so when exactly do you guys cancel or postpone games?” The best answer I could give them was a small shrug of the shoulders and an “only when it rains.”

Teams played and definitely had fun while it was cold though and the games ended up being very competitive and fun to watch from the sidelines. Usually I’m someone who complains about the cold weather, however I did enjoy myself and was glad that teams decided to show up and play their games. Playoff week is next week and hopefully this cold weather can move on out and some warmer air can move on in.

