Intramural Officials Aren’t Respected Enough

William Faucette
UNC Charlotte Intramural Sports
1 min readSep 20, 2019

As a former intramural official, I have noticed throughout the beginning of the intramural sports season that officials are being less and less respected. If you were to go to a game, you’d notice that officials are constantly running up and down the field trying to make sure they get every call right. But, participants and fans are always questioning every call even though they know the official got the call right. They just want every call to be made for their team.

Usually, participants and their fans only show up for their own game at the specific time they’ve been scheduled to play. Officials have to stay for every single game and referee. Not only do they have to show up on every game day, they also have to train before and after the scheduled games. The time put in to be an official has increased from previous years but the respect has decreased. I’m not sure what has contributed to this but it’s something that has been on my mind and wanted to share.

