Where to draw the line when being competitive in Intramural Sports

William Faucette
UNC Charlotte Intramural Sports
1 min readNov 5, 2019

A common question I get about Intramural Sports is, “Why do people try so hard for intramurals?” In response I usually tell them, “I have no clue. It’s just for a shirt.”

Intramural Sports is meant for recreational fun for students to engage with each other in sports. Usually you get people ranging from a variety of different backgrounds as well as different types of athletic ability. There’ll be the guys that played sports throughout high school but weren’t good enough to play in college and then there’ll be the people who just want to play sports and have a good time. So, where exactly do you draw the line when it comes to how hard someone should try during Intramural Sports?

From a perspective of someone who supervises Intramural games at UNCC, I have an idea of where that line should be. You obviously want people to try and compete against one another and have fun, but when you get people who get upset and mad because their team loses, that’s where the line is drawn. Intramural Sports is offered for students to play sports and have fun. When people start to get angry, that’s when the fun gets taken out of the game and the whole purpose of playing is no longer there.

They’re only playing for a t shirt anyways.

