Blue Sky Bulletin — November 2023

Blue Sky Innovations
UNC Blue Sky Innovations
3 min readNov 30, 2023

A monthly roundup of things worth sharing…

Written by Anthony DeHart

Snapshots from the Future: Explore our Lab in 3D!

Step into the future of innovation with UNC Blue Sky Innovations’ interactive 3D portfolio. Experience the cutting edge of technology by immersing yourself in a dynamic 3D simulation where you can explore and engage with our projects firsthand.

This engaging platform is not just a showcase; it’s a virtual journey through our accomplishments and a unique opportunity to interact with our solutions in a vibrant, lifelike environment. Dive into our world of creativity and see how we’re shaping the landscape of emerging technologies — one interactive experience at a time.

Explore the Lab in 3D…

Innovation in Action: Presenting at Innovate Carolina’s new Innovation Junction

This month our Chief Innovation Officer Steven King traveled all the way across the street to Innovate Carolina’s new Innovation Junction for a panel discussion on the future of AR/VR in professional settings as part of Innovate Carolina’s Future of Work series. We were excited to share our latest VR project, IDEA VR.

This module offers immersive, first-person experiences, revolutionizing the way users develop essential soft skills. It’s always rewarding to showcase this experience, and it’s fascinating to receive feedback from users about their learning outcomes.

Check out the IDEAVR Project

IDEA VR Behind the Scenes

Actors and creators explain the value of VR for this type of leadership training.

Blog Spotlight:

Where VR meets education: blended learning environments

With the emergence of the Metaverse in popular culture, extended reality (XR) is transforming the future, and the education industry is no exception. Immersive environments provide real-world educational experiences that are otherwise inaccessible to learners.

Here at UNC Blue Sky, we are leveraging virtual reality (VR) environments for organizational learning and development (L&D) through IDEA VR. Our curriculum uses evidence-based, experiential learning for diversity, equity, and inclusion in corporate settings. Users are immersed in a series of lessons aimed at addressing common workplace conflicts to encourage inclusive practices. It is crucial for instructional designers to consider the unique conditions of VR in creating an effective blended learning environment like IDEA.

Read More…

Tech Talk Spotlight: Constitutional AI

Lab CIO Steven King and Innovation Fellow Giuli Hoffmann discuss constitutional AI and data safety

What We’re Watching: Dalle3 AI Logo Designs Are Impressive! Is Midjourney in trouble?

By PromoAmbitions

How to create logo designs using Open AI Dalle 3 platform is detailed in this video and then we do a comparison of Dalle 3 capabilities vs that of Midjourney.

We tested some of these techniques ourselves…

We had a blast experimenting with Dalle-3 to reimagine our logo! While we don’t plan on using any of these logos, it was amazing to see how far this technology has come. In the past, AI-generated text has been mostly nonsensical. As you can see in these images, Dalle-3 has come a long way in this regard. There are still some mistakes (see “INVOVATIIONS” above), but the progress is clear.

